Feature: Balance is B.S.: How to Ditch Expectations, Uphold Your Values and Embrace a Work-Life Blend by Tamara Loehr

Crushed on by Christy Jane, on March 26, 2019, in Feature, New Releases, Reviews / 1 Comment

Review & Feature: Balance is B.S.: How to Ditch Expectations, Uphold Your Values and Embrace a Work-Life Blend by Tamara Loehr

Look, here’s my reality – I am frequently overcommitted. I balance a full time job as the CEO of a nonprofit, book influencing, my marriage, my 5 pets, my friendships, triathlon training, bodybuilding, teaching a fitness class, meal prep, and attempting sleep. I know, I do this to myself. But I also know I am most fulfilled when I am able to do all of the things I like doing. Right now, that includes everything listed above. Balancing it is….a joke. So when I received Balance is B.S., I knew it was going to be a book that resonated with me because eventually something has to give. Check out my thoughts below!

Balance is B.S.: How to Ditch Expectations, Uphold Your Values and Embrace a Work-Life Blend by Tamara Loehr releases today so check it out!

How Balance is B.S. Applied to My Life

I like lists. I get a lot of satisfaction from making lists and checking them off. I feel accomplished when my lists get shorter! So the fact that this book is a compilation of discussion and list making speaks deeply to the list making side of me.

I decided to tackle the career bucket list for this post. For most of my adult life, my career bucket list has been about increasing my leadership roles and now I’m ready to think beyond that.

5 Career Bucket List Items

  1. Lead a child development organization. My heart lies with early childhood education (especially infants and toddlers) but I stepped away from it so I could focus on learning how to be an Executive Director without my big passion being in the forefront.
  2. Combine passion for fitness with nonprofit work.
  3. Participate in a large conference as a thought leader.
  4. Work in another state, remotely or otherwise.
  5. Do system’s level work vs direct service.

This is by no means an exhaustive list but it’s a start to get me motivated. Some of these goals will shift and that’s ok with me! Some are short term vs long term.

I definitely recommend Balance is B.S. for working women and I think everyone could take away valuable insight from it.

What are some ways you work to achieve your goals?

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