Book Rewind · Review: This is Where It Ends by Marieke Ninjamp
This weekend we #wearorange to advocate for the prevention of gun violence in the US. I’m posting my orange and more this weekend over on Instagram so come check it out and tag me if you do anything. In honor of hope and doing more to prevent senseless shooting-related deaths, check out my 5 star review of This is Where It Ends by Marieke Nijamp.
Book Rewind is a meme where we review a backlist title to distinguish reviewed books that are not a new release. We noticed we tend to review almost all new or newly released books and wanted to have a feature to spotlight some older books that we either just read or are just reviewing because we never got around to it, or possibly didn’t blog back then!
We totally encourage others to participate in the Book Rewind Review meme! Backlist books need love too! Feel free to use our banner and be sure to link back to our page and tag us on social media so we can help promote your posts too!
This is Where It Ends by Marieke Nijamp
Category: Young Adult, Contemporary
Publication: January 5th, 2016, Sourcebooksfire
Purchase: Amazon
10:00 a.m. The principal of Opportunity High School finishes her speech, welcoming the entire student body to a new semester and encouraging them to excel and achieve.
10:02 a.m. The students get up to leave the auditorium for their next class.
10:03 a.m. The auditorium doors won’t open.
10:05 a.m. Someone starts shooting.
Told from four different perspectives over the span of fifty-four harrowing minutes, terror reigns as one student’s calculated revenge turns into the ultimate game of survival.
[book rating=5/5]…Wow. Drop everything you’re doing and pick up This is Where It Ends Go. Buy it on Amazon. Or your local indie. Whatever you do, move this book to the top of your TBR. If you’ve been hiding under a rock, This is Where It Ends was on the NYT Bestseller’s for quite some time.
Together we’ll survive this. Together, we’ll be strong enough to face whatever comes our way. This is where it ends.
This is Where It Ends begins like most contemporaries, sharing tidbits of the characters. What a false sense of security – because minutes later, we would be worried about their lives. Taking place over the course of 54 minutes, This is Where It Ends makes you care deeply about the characters, including the one who fires the weapon (a conundrum, for sure). Multiple perspectives can be overwhelming but that is not the case here.
Side note, when I was in kindergarten, my community was devastated by a school shooting. I remember vividly to this day the widespread panic.
This is Where It Ends is not a light book to read, but it is a thought provoking book. I found myself needing to take breaks, but being unable to set it down. It underscores the need for mental health support for all youth. It shows us how tragic school shootings are – not that anyone was confused about this before. The fast paced story will keep you engaged through the end.
Too many American children will never have the opportunity to realize their dreams because their lives were cut short by a bullet. Our kids deserve to live free from the threat of gun violence. #WearOrange @Everytown @MomsDemand
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) June 1, 2018