Guest Post: The Journey of a Professional Book Crusher by Michelle aka BookChelle

Crushed on by Christy Jane, on February 16, 2023, in Blogging, Guest Post / 1 Comment

Guest Post: The Journey of a Professional Book Crusher by Michelle aka BookChelle

As part of our 10 year anniversary celebrations, we invited several of our favorite authors, publishing professionals, and bookish friends to talk about a variety of subjects. Today, Michelle, who you all may know as BookChelle, is here talking about how she made the jump from reader to blogger to book professional! Check out her post below and, if you’re ever in San Diego, visit her over at Mysterious Galaxy Books!

The Journey of a Professional Book Crusher by Michelle aka BookChelle

Hi friends! Michelle here! Christy and Kelly were very kind and asked me to stop by today.

You may know me as @bookchelle on socials. For those who don’t know me, I am, on occasion, a blogger and a social media content creator. Now I spend my time as the marketing and special events coordinator for a genre-fiction bookstore in San Diego, Mysterious Galaxy. Professional book crusher, you say? ‘Tis me.

My book-crushing days began in 2004 or 2005 on Livejournal. Growing up, I was always a reader, but after marathon reading from countless chemotherapy sessions in 2001, friends wanted to know what they should read next. I was a part of different blogging groups, like Dark Faerie Tales, which changed how I spoke about books. I had a formula, making a point of hitting different categories to let people know the details I would seek out. Was this my start for buzzwords? Hah, maybe! I worked with Royal Digital Studios and helped authors with book launches and social media campaigns. 

I went through the gamut of social media platforms but found my home on

Of course, I always had 9-5 throughout all this, talking about books in my free time. During the pandemic, I readjusted my life goals, not wanting to burn out from a toxic workplace continuously. Because I was fortunate and had a great support system, I took the plunge, sent my notice, and committed to figuring out what I wanted. 

The next day, I saw a social media post from my favorite indie bookstore, Mysterious Galaxy. “Help wanted. Social Media Coordinator.”  *Cue angelic sounds* 

One of my favorite things to do is help others find their unique voice on social media. While everything tells you to follow this template and join these trends, why not amplify your voice and BE THE TRENDSETTER?

I contributed to the already established bookstore persona by bringing that personality onto the digital forefront. I wanted the virtual world to know what I already knew – that the bookstore and booksellers were an amazing and unique set of individuals you’d like on your reading corner. Now my role has evolved, and I’m a part of the team in charge of special events like festivals, conventions, and school visits. It’s fun and challenging, but I live for it. (So do my spreadsheets.)

Social media can be a lot. The expectations that we all set upon ourselves to continually perform and deliver. It can take a toll, and it will turn your hobby into another job. But do what makes you happy. Post or don’t. Follow the trends or start them. The real audience that you deserve will find you.

See you friends!

Find Michelle at, on Goodreads, Twitter, & Instagram.

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