Dear Authors and Publishers,
We are ecstatic you found our site!
Please see our about page for information on the women that run this site. We are a mostly Young Adult and New Adult niche blog and we love to read the following genres, but we are open to other inquiries, just contact us!
We are interested in the following genres:
- Graphic Novels
- Comics
- Contemporary
- Paranormal Romance
- Dystopian
- Urban Fantasy
- Sci-Fi
- Fantasy
We accept ARCs, physical copies, audiobooks, eBooks, & eARCs (no PDFs, unless graphic novels/comics). We are also open to host author interviews, giveaways, guest posts, and blog tours.
Our Reviews will contain:
- Official Synopsis (usually from
- Cover (usually from or provided)
- Link to Goodreads
- Links to book retailers (we use affiliate links for some sites)
- Rating from 1-5 stars
- Review
Each reviewer has their own individual style of reviews and each person rates their review for themselves, but still using a 1-5 star rating. For example Kelly is a very liberal star rater, while Christy may be much more strict with the number of stars she will distribute.
Please contact us via
We’re so excited you have contacted us. We can’t wait to get reading! 🙂
In accordance with FTC guidelines, I receive no compensation for the reviews or content I post. Books received from a third party have no impact on the honesty of my reviews. We also pay for and review books we purchased ourselves. Not all reviews or content are given to us for promotion, and if it was, it in no way affects our opinions on said reviews.
We currently are affiliates for Amazon, Book Depository,, and Bookshop, and we can receive a small commission for purchases made through those links on this website, which in turn goes back towards the cost of this blog. Sometimes with 3rd party content from blog tours, etc, we are also promoting their 3rd party affiliate links, which in no way support us.
All original content on this site belongs to the author. Please do not copy or reproduce without permission.