ARC Review: What We Buried by Kate A. Boorman

Crushed on by Christy Jane, on March 1, 2019, in New Releases, Reviews / 0 Comments

ARC Review: What We Buried by Kate A. Boorman

You ever read a book and felt like it was written just for you? What We Buried is that book for me. This creepy, mind-bending, character-driven story is exactly the type of story that completely engrosses me. So when I was asked to early blurb it, I jumped on the chance. Fans of Dive Smack will absolutely enjoy this one so be sure to check my review out and pick it up now!


A wild ride, taking the unreliable narrator to the next level, What We Buried has an ending you won’t see coming or easily forget. What makes this story special is the constant uncertainty. Unreliable narrators. Timelines that are quickly converging. Completely surreal and will keep you turning pages.

No doubt, Liv and Jory only share one common trait – a disdain for their parents. I, too, share this trait. But no one wants their parents to just disappear without question (right? right.)…So when they do, the pair unite on a road trip to figure out what the heck happened. This book is soooo angsty, which comes across very emotional and real. These two are obviously so uncomfortable with everything – themselves, each other, their worlds. You could cut the tension in the air with a knife. It’s the delving in this that brings the story alive. This book is about Liv and Jory – it’s completely character driven (perfect for me).

Told in alternating POV – an important concept in the story – What We Buried is a look at two siblings who grew up in the same household yet experience things completely differently thanks to nature and nurture. Pay attention to the details and read this book twice. You won’t be able to turn the pages fast enough on this one.

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