Review: Shades of Magic vol. #1: The Steel Prince by V.E. Schwab & Andrea Olimpieri

Crushed on by Kelly BookCrushin, on March 15, 2019, in Comics/Graphic Novels, Reviews / 0 Comments

Review: Shades of Magic vol. #1: The Steel Prince by V.E. Schwab & Andrea Olimpieri

The Steel Prince vol. #1 by V.E. Schwab is now available! I have actually been reading the individual comic issues, but it is much more accessible to the masses when they bind them together in volumes. So check out my review below and get on this prequel to the Shades of Magic universe!

Thank you to Titan Comics for the opportunity to read and review this title, and for the images included below, which in no way influences my opinions. I had actually purchased all of the single issues from my local comic book store as released, and I recommend if you like this series, to do the same, because if single issues don’t sell, then volumes won’t get published.



Absolutely loved returning to the Shades of Magic world. Getting to know more about King Maxim Maresh, well before he was king, was a delight. This was just the briefest of introduction to the world that we may know and love, just way back when Maxim was just a prince trying to make his mark on his kingdom.

Seeing this world and the magic in a visual manner was just astounding. What a brilliant way to tell this back story. The art is complex and beautiful. The setting is just so exquisite and the characters are memorable. I love that we are getting different mediums to explore the Shades of Magic series.

The story within the first 4 issues was a complete arc, with the promise of much more to come. Maxim is sent on a mission after being chastised for searching for outlawed magic wielders. He is sent to a rather dangerous port in order to learn more about the kingdom and to cut his teeth out in the real world. Where he happens to encounter a very dark and dangerous pirate who has a special magic that is very uncommon.

The story pacing is fast and cohesive. It is action packed and you will fly through these pages, and if you are like me go back and read them a second and third time.

I think if you are new to this series, you can read and enjoy the comics, and not be spoiled for anything to come. If you are a fan of the books, this story is an enhancement and will make your Shades of Magic love soar.

About V.E. Schwab

Victoria “V.E.” Schwab is the #1 NYT, USA, and Indie bestselling author of more than a dozen books, including Vicious, the Shades of Magic series, and This Savage Song. Her work has received critical acclaim, been featured by EW and The New York Times, been translated into more than a dozen languages, and been optioned for TV and Film. The Independent calls her the “natural successor to Diana Wynne Jones” and touts her “enviable, almost Gaimanesque ability to switch between styles, genres, and tones.”

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