Cover Crush: All the Wind in the World by Samantha Mabry

Crushed on by Kelly BookCrushin, on May 1, 2017, in Cover Crush, Future releases / 1 Comment

Cover Crush: All the Wind in the World by Samantha Mabry

All the Wind in the World by Samantha Mabry had such a vibrant and gorgeous cover! I couldn’t pass this one up to be featured. Look at those brillant colors, and eeep that script. I am such a font lover, that I want all of the pretty fonts. The title looks as if it is being swept away in the wind, so pretty! I am gushing over here. The blurb tells me just enough to have me really curious as to what this book is about…but there is romance and maybe some magic? Honestly, I am not sure at all…and that is kind of fun! You can read an excerpt here & it is compared to The Raven Cycle, so I am in! I am looking forward to knowing more, and if you are too, be sure to add it to your TBR for the October 10th, 2017 release.


All the Wind in the World by Samantha Mabry

Category: Young Adult, Romance, Magical Realism
Publication: October 10th, 2017; Algonquin Young Readers
Purchase: Amazon

Sarah Jacqueline Crow and James Holt work in the vast maguey fields that span the bone-dry Southwest, a thirsty, infinite land that is both seductive and fearsome. In this rough, transient landscape, Sarah Jac and James have fallen in love. They’re tough and brave, and they have big dreams. Soon they will save up enough money to go east. But until then, they keep their heads down, their muscles tensed, and above all, their love secret.

When a horrible accident forces Sarah Jac and James to start over on a new, possibly cursed ranch called the Real Marvelous, the delicate balance they’ve found begins to give way. And James and Sarah Jac will have to pay a frighteningly high price for their love.


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