Well it was a stiff race but only one character reigned supreme in our poll to determine your favorite crush of 2012. Drum Roll please…..
With over 50% of the votes, Daemon Black of The Lux Series stomped the competition to be your winner for Favorite Character Crush of 2012. It seems this sexy alien got your pulses racing more than our second place winner bad boy brit Kaidan Rowe or our third place winner the tough as nails Tobias “Four” Eaton. To satisfy your Daemon fix, remember that Opal the third book in the Lux series was released early so you can get it now!
Thanks to everyone who participated in our first ever poll and giveaway. We would like to congratulate Haylianne M. who is the winner of our Mind Games Arc. Keep checking back here as we will continue to run polls and giveaways in our ‘Deck the Shelves Extravaganza’ for the remainder of the month and vote in our current running poll for the Most Anticipated Book to Movie Adaptation of 2013, right here.
Merry Bookmas.