New Release Blitz & Giveaway: Phoenix Freed by Elise Faber

Crushed on by Kelly BookCrushin, on July 5, 2016, in Giveaways, New Releases / 0 Comments

New Release Blitz & Giveaway: Phoenix Freed by Elise Faber


BookCrushin is happy to help celebrate the release of Phoenix Freed by Elise Faber! You will find all the book & series information as well as an excerpt and a blitz-wide giveaway! Also, if you haven’t started this paranormal romance, Dark Phoenix, book 1 is free & Phoenix Rising is $0.99, this week only!

phoenix freedPhoenix Freed by Elise Faber

Series: Phoenix #3
Category: New Adult, Mature, Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Blue Tulip Publishing
Purchase: Amazon

A proposal.
The unexpected arrival of a sibling.
An enemy that wants to exploit her gift of foresight.

Daughtry has been to hell and come back with a man who will never leave her side. With Cody in her life, she’s never been happier.

Until Alex arrives at the Colony.

Finally, Daughtry’s dreams of a family seem to be fulfilled — except Alex brings a whole slew of complications. She’s strong, intense, and doesn’t trust easily. Conflict seems to trail her every move.

It seems impossible for Daughtry’s two worlds to merge peacefully until the Dalshie attack and Alex steps up, providing the first measurable hope of eliminating the Rengalla’s most brutal enemy. Alex’s strength is finally an asset, and her heart — her tough, loyal, bruised heart — may have finally found someone who could cherish it.

**Phoenix Freed is Book #3 in the Phoenix series, and needs to be read in order for the most enjoyment**


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phoenix freed



John’s lips were soft and parted on first touch of hers. Last time Alex had allowed him the lead, but this time she wanted to explore. He must have sensed that because he let her.

She swept her tongue inside his mouth, even as her hands stroked his chest. God. His body was ridiculous, all rock hard muscles and lean strength. She wanted to climb him like a tree and had actually lifted one leg to do so when John groaned.

“We should stop.” But he didn’t let her go.

“No.” Alex rubbed her breasts against his chest. “We shouldn’t.”

“Fuck. Killing me, Lex.” Grabbing her thigh, John pulled her flush to him as he ground his hips against her. Alex moaned, a long, loud sound that surprised her in its intensity.

Which was enough, it seemed, for John to flip the script.

He grabbed her other leg and wrapped it around his waist then deepened the kiss. Biting, thrusting his tongue into her mouth, even as he moved.

A heartbeat later, her back was pressed against the trunk of a tree, and his arousal was exactly where she wanted, needed it.

Stars flashed behind her eyes as her hips undulated, searching… finding the pressure she needed.

Pleasure built, her insides knotted, twisting and clenching fiercely, until finally she exploded. Stars coalesced, spreading out to block her vision, until she was blind to everything except for the sensation of that incredible orgasm.

It might have been a year before she came back down to earth.

“I like it when you don’t stop.”


Phoenix Freed Phoenix Series


dark phoenixDark Phoenix (Phoenix #1)

FREE July 5-9

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU


phoenix rising

Phoenix Rising (Phoenix #2)

99¢ July 5-9

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU

iBooks | B&N | Kobo

phoenix freed

Author Bio: Elise Faberelise

Aside from writing bestselling romances, Elise’s passions are chocolate, Star Wars, and hockey (the order depending on the day and how well her team — the Sharks! — are playing). She and her husband also play as much hockey as they can squeeze into their schedules, so much so that their typical date night is spent on the ice. Elise is the mom to two exuberant boys and is thoroughly addicted to Dancing With the Stars.


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