Blog Tour & Giveaway: Essence by A. L. Waddington

Crushed on by Kelly BookCrushin, on April 21, 2014, in Blog Tour / 0 Comments


Blog Tour & Giveaway: Essence by A. L. Waddington


BookCrushin is happy to bring to you a tour stop for Essence (The EVE Series #1) by A. L. Waddington, brought to you by Xpresso Book Tours! You can follow the tour  to read reviews, excerpts & more! You will find all the series information below as well as a giveaway!  Hope you enjoy!




Essence (The EVE Series #1)  by A.L. Waddington

Category: Paranormal, Young Adult
Publication: January 15th, 2014; Booktrope Publishing
Purchase: Amazon, B&N

Jocelyn Timmons does not believe she is anything special — just an ordinary high school senior, living an ordinary life full of school-work, volleyball and friends. She’s about to find out how wrong she is.


Jackson Chandler moved in to the house across the street. His dark wavy hair, green eyes and charismatic personality draws everyone to him. Everyone, but Jocelyn.


Whenever Jackson gets near Jocelyn she feels ill and dizzy. When he touches her, she blacks out and has visions of another life, in another time. As the odd hallucinations evolve and become clearer, she feels a strong pull towards the people she sees there. Frightened, she watches her once stable life begin to crumble around her and she begins to question her own sanity.


Could it be possible that these episodes are actually her own memories of a life she is living somehow, somewhere, some-when? Maybe this is time-travel or some other paranormal mysticism? Our minds often wander, but can our souls?




enlightenedEnlightened (The EVE Series #2)

Publication: April 21, 2014

The barrier between Jocelyn Timmons consciousness continues to dissolve as she better understands the two lives she lives and enormity of her newly discovered inherited gift of EVE (Essence Voyager Era) which allows her to fall asleep on one plane of existence and awaken on another as her soul travels nightly.


Present-day Jocelyn uncovers the vast wonderment of the Victorian era but soon learns that life then was not as grand for women as she has read in the classics. Still, she finds comfort in the support of family and friends; a bolstering contrast to her overly hectic, career-oriented family in the twenty-first century. Her love for Jackson Chandler strengthens across time and becomes the light she so desperately needs as the world she has always known no longer makes sense. Yet, the closer she is drawn to Jackson by their mutual ability, the more strain develops amongst those she loves in 2009.


On the other side of Jocelyn’s consciousness in 1878, she remains ignorant of EVE. Her life is crumbling around her, yet she finds herself anxiously awaiting the images that invade her dreams. Jocelyn longs to be the woman she portrays in that world yet her jealousy is unbearable. Miscommunication, betrayal and hidden agendas make trust near impossible. The clearer the visions become the more she questions motives of her closest confidants and foregoes revealing the images that plague her perception. As her life seems to unravel, Jocelyn’s two worlds collide, and she is enlightened as the pieces start to fall into place. But is she strong enough to survive the truth? Is Jackson really her destiny? And can their love transcend time? Find out in Essence’s highly anticipated sequel, Enlightened, Book 2, EVE series.



 Author Bio: A. L. WaddingtonALWaddington

A.L. Waddington completed her undergraduate studies at University of Texas Dallas and Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis with a BS in Psychology. Angela and her husband, Ty, have a son, two daughters, a puppy, and an oversized cat.  They reside in Indiana.

Author Links:

Website   |    Facebook    |    Twitter    |    Goodreads




Tour wide giveaway is open to US Only –Signed copy of both Essence (book 1) and Enlightened (Book 2)


a Rafflecopter giveaway


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