Blog Tour & Giveaway: The Long Game by J.L. Fynn

Crushed on by Shannon, on October 20, 2013, in Blog Tour, Giveaways / 0 Comments


Blog Tour & Giveaway: The Long Game
by J.L. Fynn

BookCrushin is very happy to be participating in The Long Game Blog Tour in conjunction with Pen and Muse. We are reposting for this tour to bring you updated information including the authors revealing themselves as well as an excerpt and a giveaway! If interested you can read my previously posted spoiler-free review.

TLGCoverThe Long Game (American Gypsy #1) by J.L. Fynn

Category: New Adult, Contemporary Romance
Publication: October 7, 2013
Purchase: Amazon,  Barnes & Noble

[book rating=3.5/5.0]

Smooth talking. Ambitious. Loyal. Twenty-year-old Shay Reilly has proven himself to his Irish-American Gypsy clan on small-scale cons, but now the clan leader has a bigger mission for him: playing the long game.


To rake in the big score he’s after, he needs to con coed Spencer into falling in love with him. He knows he should see Spencer as a mere means to an end, but that’s easier said than done when there’s a witty, attractive girl in your arms.


Now the only thing that can keep them apart is the thing that brought them together: Shay’s plans of revenge against someone who wronged his clan and family years before—Spencer’s father.



The girl behind the register grinned, taken by my brother’s charm. “Well, I’m sure glad y’all came in.” She batted lashes almost too pale to see.

I fought the smile pulling at the corner of my mouth. Most Traveler men had their fathers or uncles to show them the ropes. I really only had my older brother, but he’d been enough. Jimmy Boy could piss on your leg, tell you it was raining, and then sell you a broken umbrella. And he’d taught me everything I knew.

“I’m glad you’re glad,” Jimmy Boy said. He leaned in further, his elbow inching across the counter so his face moved closer to hers.

She blushed and dropped her eyes, and I saw my opening.

“All right, lover boy, move it so I can pay, and we can stop wasting this girl’s time.” I nudged him aside with my hip and shoulder as I pulled a ten from my wallet and handed it to her. Her eyes only flickered to me for a second as the money moved from my hand to hers. So far, so good.

The blonde watched Jimmy Boy through lowered lashes as she counted out my change. A five and three ones. It couldn’t have worked out better if she’d been in on the scam.


Author Bio: J. L. FlynnAuthor photo

J.L. Fynn is the public face of the writing collaboration between Katherine Ernst and Chelle Bruhn. Katherine and Chelle have been writing together since they were 14-years-old and are happy to be able to team up professionally after all these years. They both live outside of Philadelphia, PA and look forward to years of fruitful work together.

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Official J.L. Fynn tour page Pen & Muse Press



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