Book Feature and Interview: Getting a Life Even if You’re Dead by Beth Watson

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Book Feature and Interview: Getting a Life Even if You’re Dead by Beth Watson

Bookcrushin is really excited to bring you this book feature, author interview and giveaway for Getting a Life Even if You’re Dead. This is a young adult book that features romance, an exciting Paris backdrop, and did we mention the ghosts? Read on for all the book details and our fun interview with author Beth Watson where we get a bit of background on this unique YA.

Getting a lifeGetting a Life Even if You’re Dead by Beth Watson

Category: Young Adult, Paranormal Romance
Publication: October 28, 2013
Purchase: Amazon//B&N on sale for a STEAL at .99 for this blog tour! That’s like less than a can of Diet Coke!  

If you died, could you live with your regrets?


When Kendra’s mother drags her to a creepy Paris cemetery for work, the last person Kendra expects to see is Amber, her best friend who moved away three years earlier. Amber helped Kendra through a dark time, and Amber’s departure was just one more loss for Kendra. Amber was Kendra’s confidante but it turns out Amber failed to share her biggest secret: she was dead.


Amber never planned to disclose her true identity to Kendra, but a boy’s life is at stake. Amber is suddenly unable to connect with troubled kids and she needs Kendra to console Pierrot, a despondent boy who holds the answers to the suspicious death of his brother, Loic. Although Loic needs closure to cross over, the truth about his death might impact everyone’s future, including Kendra’s, since she has fallen for Pierrot, the mysterious boy and murder suspect.


But dead or alive, there is no going back…



1) Where did the idea for Getting a Life, Even if You’re Dead, come from (Fantastic title by the way)?

Thanks! This was the first time a title ever came to me right away and I didn’t change it a dozen times before the book was finished. Several things inspired the idea for the book. My sister is a therapist and counsels teens dealing with depression and attempted suicide. This led me to read several fiction books on these subjects. None of the books I read addressed the regrets and ramifications a teen deals with after taking his life, so I came up with the idea for, Getting a Life, Even If You’re Dead, the first book in my No Going Back series.

2) This is your first full length novel, did you always know you wanted to write YA in particular paranormal YA? 

This is my first young adult novel. However, I have published two romance novels and a women’s fiction novel under two pseudonyms. I hadn’t really considered writing young adult until a critique partner mentioned she thought my voice would be a great fit for YA. I had the idea for this series at that same time, so I decided to write the first book. I love writing YA and I think I’ve found my niche.

3)  If you were casting the movie, Getting a Life, Even if You’re Dead, who would you like to see as Kendra and Pierrot? 

Oh boy, this is always a tough question because I don’t envision celebrities when I write a book, so I have a difficult time casting the parts. I think Lily Collins would make a great Kendra, but not sure how much longer she can pull off playing a teenager. Pierrot is French, so I think I’d do a casting call in France and choose an unknown actor with the look and quirky appeal of a young Johnny Depp.

4)  How many books will there be in the Getting a Life, Even if You’re Dead, series? Any word on when the sequel will be released?

There will be three books in the series. The sequel will come out late summer or early fall.

5) Do you have any other books (YA or other) up your sleeve?

I am writing the sequel to Getting a Life, Even If You’re Dead. Also, I am working on a New Adult novella series inspired by my event planner job. The books will take place around the world, the first one being set in Ireland. They will be released under my Eliza Watson pseudonym.

6) The Paris backdrop for this book was intriguing, have you been there in real life, if so what inspired you about that city to include it in your first YA novel.

Paris is my absolute favorite city. I studied at the Sorbonne for a semester in college and I’ve since visited there several times. I also set my first women’s fiction book there. Besides being a huge Paris fan, I think it’s the perfect setting for a ghost story. It has the most intriguing cemeteries with which I’m totally obsessed. During my college semester in Paris, I spent many quiet afternoons studying at Montmartre cemetery while enjoying a picnic lunch on a college student’s budget.

7) Our blog is called BookCrushin, why do you think our readers will crush on your book?

Pierrot. I have an upcoming blog post titled The Top Five Reasons Pierrot is Swoon Worthy. (You will be able to read it on my Goodreads page.) One of my teen beta readers said, “Pierrot is every teen girl’s dream.” And a recent Goodreads reviewer wrote, “P.S. Pierrot….swoon!” So hopefully other readers will also crush on Pierrot.

8) Ok this is a corny question but gotta ask, since ghosts figure so prominently into this book, if you were a ghost for a day, what would you do?

That isn’t a corny question, I love it! As a ghost in Paris, I would hit all the haute couture shops and try on Chanel gowns. Then I’d be off to Cartier for some jewels. Of course I would return them all in a very timely manner. After I sashayed down the steps of the Louvre in a red gown, like Audrey Hepburn did in Funny Face. This is something I’ll never be able to do while I’m alive, lol.

9) On your downtime, who are some of your favorite authors to read?

I’m embarrassed to admit how little I read between work and writing. I have a major to-be-read pile to work my way through this year. I love Ally Carter’s Heist Society series, Gayle Forman, and I just read Anna Dressed in Blood. I’m currently reading the second book in that series.

Great questions and thanks so much for having me at BookCrushin today!

Author Information  

Beth Watson's Author PicWhen Beth isn’t traveling for her job as an event planner, or tracing her ancestry roots through Ireland, she’s at home in Wisconsin working on her next novel. She enjoys bouncing ideas off her husband Mark, and her cats Quigley, Frankie, and Sammy.

Connect with Beth:



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5 responses to “Book Feature and Interview: Getting a Life Even if You’re Dead by Beth Watson

  1. Sandra

    I look forward to the movie in order to see who you cast as Pierrot. I would be great at playing the part of Kendra’s mother!

  2. I was just wondering why you are going to stop at three books in this series. I think you have a fantastic opportunity to do a “Ghost Network” of Teen Angels/Ghosts all over the US or Internationally. NOLA would be a great place to set a Ghost story in, as well. Think about it! 🙂 Sorry if I sound pushy, but that is just the writer/retired executive managing editor in me, knowing that this has great promise as a larger series or a spin-off series books.

    As an empath and independent paranormal investigator, I think this series would sell quite well with not only YA, but also with adults that are interested in the paranormal. You just have to market them to the paranormal groups, such as I have on my Facebook friends list (over 2,000 friends), or on my free to promote The Pimpettes book promotions page (around 800 people there and growing) at . I already bought this book and would love to help you promote it for free. Get in contact with me, Beth! 🙂