ARC Review: The Book Jumper by Mechthild Gläser

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ARC Review: The Book Jumper by Mechthild Glaser

The Book Jumper releases January 3rd, 2017, and you can check out my review below. I would like to thank Feiwel & Friends for the early review copy of The Book Jumper by Mechthild Gläser and in no way influences my opinions.


The Book Jumper by Mechthild Gläser

Category: Young Adult, Fantasy
Publication: January 3rd, 2017; Feiwel & Friends
Purchase: Amazon

Amy Lennox doesn’t know quite what to expect when she and her mother pick up and leave Germany for Scotland, heading to her mother’s childhood home of Lennox House on the island of Stormsay.

Amy’s grandmother, Lady Mairead, insists that Amy must read while she resides at Lennox House—but not in the usual way. It turns out that Amy is a book jumper, able to leap into a story and interact with the world inside. As thrilling as Amy’s new power is, it also brings danger: someone is stealing from the books she visits, and that person may be after her life. Teaming up with fellow book jumper Will, Amy vows to get to the bottom of the thefts—at whatever cost.



[book rating=3.5/5]


This book seemed like every book lovers’s dream come true. The possibility of being able to jump into your favorite stories and interact with the characters? Sign me up! And let’s face it, that cover is absolutely stunning.

However, the story fell a bit flat for me. I did enjoy it for the most part, but I can’t help but feel as though some of the beauty and magic got lost in translation. Literally.

For me, the beginning was a bit slow and confusing. I wasn’t truly interested until Amy began jumping. Even then, there wasn’t enough of the book world happenings. I was more intrigued as the plot thickened with the addition of a thief stealing ideas from popular books. As Amy and Will began to investigate, the story really picked up.

But, again, there just wasn’t ENOUGH. Most of the jumps were skimmed, or consisted of Amy attempting to track the thief. We didn’t get to see as many stories as I’d have liked. I did, however, love Werther—a character who is brand new to me. I was so intrigued by his portrayal that I’m tempted to pick up his book, regardless of its theme and outcome. IMO, he was absolutely the best part of the story. Yet his role was minimal in the last half.

There’s a bit of romance, too, but I didn’t really feel it. It was almost insta-love, which wouldn’t typically annoy me, but I felt as though I was missing something.

There are really two stories taking place in The Book Jumper. Or supposed to be. I hate to keep mentioning this, but I felt as though the outside world happenings were glossed over. So much was left unresolved at the end. There is no need for a sequel, but I feel as though the author could’ve done a better job wrapping up everything that had taken place. Overall, it’s enjoyable if only in seeing some classics come to life. I do wish there’d been more of that as the idea is pretty brilliant and fun.


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