Book Rewind · Review: Broken Juliet
(Starcrossed #2) by Leisa Rayven
For today’s Book Rewind we are continuing to review the Starcrossed series by Leisa Rayven! Book 2, Broken Juliet, was originally published in April of 2015. The entire series is available now and you can catch my review of book 1, Bad Romeo. Stay tuned for next week for my review of book 3, Wicked Heart!
Book Rewind is a meme where we review a backlist title to distinguish reviewed books that are in no way a new release. We noticed we tend to review almost all new or newly released books and wanted to have a feature to spotlight some older books that we either just read or are just reviewing because we never got around to it, or possibly didn’t blog back then! This meme will be posted on Thursdays as a ‘Throwback Thursday’ kind of deal.
We totally encourage others to participate in the Book Rewind Review meme! Backlist titles need love too! Feel free to use our banner and be sure to link back to our page and tag us on social media so we can help promote your posts too!
Broken Juliet (Starcrossed #2) by Leisa Rayven
Category: New Adult, Contemporary Romance
Publication: April 23rd, 2015; St. Martin’s Griffin
Purchase: Amazon
How do you fix a love that’s been broken beyond repair?
For years, Cassie Taylor tried to forget about Ethan Holt. He was the one great love of her life, and when he failed to return her love, a part of her died forever. Or so she thought. Now she and Ethan are sharing a Broadway stage, and he’s determined to win her back. Claiming to be a changed man, he’s finally able to say all the things she needed to hear years ago, but can she believe him? What makes this time different from all his other broken promises?
Ethan knows he can’t change their tumultuous past, but if he’s going to have any chance of being with the woman he loves, he’ll need to convince Cassie that her future belongs with him.
Don’t miss this stunning conclusion to the unforgettable love story that captivated over two million fans online.
[book rating=5/5]
I fell in love with this series, just as Cassie and Ethan have fallen in love with each other. I continue to fall more in love with each and every reread. It can still blow my mind.
I am finding it very hard to voice my opinion on this book. It was just so perfect that I can’t talk coherently, so excuse my babbling. Also, I’m going to be pretty vague because I don’t want to spoil anything for any of you.
Broken Juliet picks up exactly where we left off in Bad Romeo, with Cassie barely finishing Ethan’s email. This book tells the other half of Cassie and Ethan’s story with the same dual point of view. The focus is more on their present and how their relationship evolves. This time there are more present chapters while the past scenes are fewer with more time gaps between them.
This book has everything you want in a book: love, laughter, fun times, passion, friends, and healing. There is also drama, tears, suffering, heartbreak, and leaving. The chemistry between Cassie and Ethan is even more prominent and I often had goosebumps while reading it. Cassie is still very much in love with Ethan, both in past and present. However, while in the past, she can’t trust him and it seemed that in the present she can’t trust herself, when it comes to her feelings. She also can’t trust Ethan after all that he dragged her through. You need to keep reading to reveal all that have happened in the past to truly understand their future and what it might contain for them.
Leisa just has this way with words that makes you want to crawl into said book and live in that world. I mentioned before that this series isn’t the only thing I’ve read from her and all of her stories carry the same unique elements of hers. You have to dig through the book because you won’t figure her out and what she has in mind for her characters up until the last few chapters. This and her world building – which might not be the perfect word for it because her stories aren’t really about new and imagined worlds – are what I most admire about her writing.
This was the perfect conclusion to Cassie and Ethan’s story and I find it hard to say goodbye to these characters. But yeah, just pick up this series already!!
* This review was originally published on my now defunct blog back in April 2015, and has since been edited.
* I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. This in no way influenced my thoughts on the book.
I finally read this series last summer via audiobook while I was unpacking at my then new apartment. I actually enjoyed the 3rd novel the best. =) Are you planning to read her upcoming new release, Mister Romance? It sounds good to me.