Category: Feature

Movie Musings & Upcoming Event: Let It Snow by Lauren Myracle, John Green, and Maureen Johnson

Movie Musings & Upcoming Event: Let It Snow by Lauren Myracle, John Green, and Maureen Johnson

Movie Musings & Upcoming Event: Let It Snow by Lauren Myracle, John Green, and Maureen Johnson Halloween is almost over and that means ChristmasReadsAreComing Let us start you off with LET IT SNOW, which is being adapted for Netflix & will be released in three weeks!!! YASSSS. We are celebrating […]

Crushed on by Christy Jane, on October 23, 2019, in Events, Feature, News, TV Thoughts & Movie Musings / 0 Comments

Feature & Giveaway: Banned Books Week

Feature & Giveaway: Banned Books Week

Feature & Giveaway: Banned Books Week Every year in September the American Library Association highlights the discrimination of books by creating Banned Books Week, the annual celebration of the freedom to read! Banned Books Week brings together the entire book community — librarians, booksellers, publishers, journalists, teachers, and readers of […]

Crushed on by Kelly BookCrushin, on September 24, 2019, in Feature, Giveaways / 2 Comments

Feature: The Passengers & Other Near Future Sci-Fi Stories

Feature: The Passengers & Other Near Future Sci-Fi Stories

Feature: The Passengers & Other Near Future Sci-Fi Stories Who else is living for the current near-future sci-fi trend? The Passengers is a near-future sci-fi story focused on self-driving cars…Where things go very, very wrong. To celebrate its recent North American release, we are sharing our recomendations for other near-future […]

Crushed on by Christy Jane, on September 16, 2019, in Feature, New Releases / 0 Comments