Category: Feature

First Lines Friday: July 22nd 2016

First Lines Friday: July 22nd 2016

First Lines Friday: July 22nd 2016 Over the last week and a half, I was consumed by an engrossing, un-put-down-able series. Seriously, these books transported me to another time and place and I was addicted to them, to the point where I found excuses to do things (or not) so […]

Crushed on by Sara Meadows, on July 22, 2016, in Feature / 0 Comments

First Lines Fridays: July 8th, 2016

First Lines Fridays: July 8th, 2016

First Lines Fridays: July 8th, 2016 Welcome to #FirstLinesFriday! Today’s First Lines Fridays is from a modern classic. There aren’t words to describe this book (or the entire series), so let’s commence.   About: Each week we will pick a YA or NA book from my shelves and copy the first […]

Crushed on by Sara Meadows, on July 8, 2016, in Feature / 0 Comments