Category: Reviews

Feature: Balance is B.S.: How to Ditch Expectations, Uphold Your Values and Embrace a Work-Life Blend by Tamara Loehr

Feature: Balance is B.S.: How to Ditch Expectations, Uphold Your Values and Embrace a Work-Life Blend by Tamara Loehr

Review & Feature: Balance is B.S.: How to Ditch Expectations, Uphold Your Values and Embrace a Work-Life Blend by Tamara Loehr Look, here’s my reality – I am frequently overcommitted. I balance a full time job as the CEO of a nonprofit, book influencing, my marriage, my 5 pets, my […]

Crushed on by Christy Jane, on March 26, 2019, in Feature, New Releases, Reviews / 1 Comment

Review: Ignite the Stars by Maura Milan

Review: Ignite the Stars by Maura Milan

Review: Ignite the Stars by Maura Milan Ignite the Stars is the space opera you need, with its diverse and relatable cast, non-stop action, and discussion-worthy themes. This book took me by storm and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. With the sequel (Eclipse the Skies) cover […]

Crushed on by Christy Jane, on March 20, 2019, in Reviews / 1 Comment

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Ontario Teen Bookfest ft. Emily Webberley & Austin Siegemund-Broka

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Ontario Teen Bookfest ft. Emily Webberley & Austin Siegemund-Broka

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Ontario Teen Bookfest ft. Emily Wibberley & Austin Siegemund-Broka ICYMI Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka not only have the cutest debut together but also have the cutest love story (they got engaged at The Ripped Bodice and then launched their book there. COULD THAT BE CUTER!). […]

Crushed on by Christy Jane, on March 3, 2019, in Blog Tour, Feature, Future releases, Giveaways, Reviews / 6 Comments