Books On Our Radar: Chainbreaker (Timekeeper #2) by Tara Sim

Crushed on by Kelly BookCrushin, on December 13, 2017, in Books On Our Radar, Future releases / 1 Comment

Books On Our Radar: Chainbreaker (Timekeeper #2) by Tara Sim

Chainbreaker the second book in the Timekeeper series by Tara Sim, and is releasing so soon & I am so excited. I will admit I didn’t pick up Timekeeper until I joined the audiobook review tour, and damn it was so good! Totally took me by surprise. Loved the world building, the fantasy of it, and most of all the characters. Plus the love story between Danny & Colton…so sweet and perfect. I normally don’t really like steampunk much, but this wasn’t the focus of the world or the story, and it was all so nicely laid out and explained. I flew through the book. So no surprise that I am dying for the next book and January 2nd can’t come soon enough! Be sure to add this one to your TBR, I hope it surprises you too!


Chainbreaker (Timekeeper #2) by Tara Sim

Category: Young Adult, Fantasy, Steampunk
Publication: January 2nd, 2018; Sky Pony Press
Purchase: Amazon

Clock mechanic Danny Hart knows he’s being watched. But by whom, or what, remains a mystery. To make matters worse, clock towers have begun falling in India, though time hasn’t Stopped yet. He’d hoped after reuniting with his father and exploring his relationship with Colton, he’d have some time to settle into his new life. Instead, he’s asked to investigate the attacks.

After inspecting some of the fallen Indian towers, he realizes the British occupation may be sparking more than just attacks. And as Danny and Colton unravel more secrets about their past, they find themselves on a dark and dangerous path–one from which they may never return.


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