Cover Crush: The Kingdom by Jess Rothenberg
The Kingdom by Jess Rothenberg has one of those covers that draws you in and it makes me so excited to read this upcoming sci-fi thriller book! Also a digital image and the ARC cover doesn’t do the actual cover justice, just check out the live look below…that holographic-esque portion…swoon. This book delves into the classic sci-fi theme of, does artificial intelligence have human feelings? Do android have emotions, can they love, can they kill? You’ll have to enter The Kingdom (TM) to find out!
The Kingdom releases on May 28th, just in time for some excellent summer reading, but for now be sure to add it to your TBR! Check out the preorder campaign too.
In #TheKingdom, we prefer our futuristic thrillers with a dash of romance, a sprinkling of robots, a murder or two, and SPARKLE!
— Tiffany Liao (@Tiff_Liao) March 29, 2019
(Did you catch the eye glint??)
Cc: @JessRothenberg @KJKlim @tragicsunshine @Stephen_Barbara @FierceReads @GlasstownEnt
I absolutely love this cover! It’s just so eye-catching to me!
And the actual cover with the glittery parts…swoon!
RIGHT? I didn’t actually realize it had that until your post, but I LOVE it! ✨
I love this cover so much! It is incredible. Thanks for sharing!