Cover Crush: Wilder Girls by Rory Power
Wilder Girls by Rory Power is one of those books that I can’t believe I haven’t post already! I LOVE THIS COVER and I can’t wait for this book. It is going to one of those stories that just messes with you…it sounds dark and dangerous and utterly creepy. A mysterious ‘Tox’ has afflicted the island where the girls go to school, and thus proceeds to the horror unleashed upon the school, the girls, the island, and ultimately us readers. I can’t wait to get this queer horror story in my hands, and luckily it is releasing soon on July 9th, so if you like some horror and violence with your summer beach reads, I would add this one to your TBR!
The Wilder Girls cover was created by Regina Flath and Aykut Aydogdu.
One of the best book covers I have seen in a long time!
Lotte | http://www.lottelauv.blogspot.co.uk
It is quite beautiful yet weird!