Books On Our Radar: Don’t Cosplay with My Heart by Cecil Castellucci
Don’t Cosplay with My Heart by Cecil Castellucci is definitely on my radar. I want all the geeky romances, ALL OF THEM! This year gave us quite a few YA romances in this geeky genre. I personally want more, which is why my excitement is skyhigh for this one! I think that the geek is definitely in fashion right now, but most of us still feel like we are on the outside of all that is popular. Books that allow us to see ourselves in the pages and help us overcome our social anxiety are definitely appreciated more than the authors and publishers could know. Plus, we get to be what we are especially when we cosplay we can find our tribe of like minded geeks! Sometimes our masks are a burden, and sometimes those masks are metaphorical, but yeah, I want to read this one! Don’t Cosplay with My Heart releases on January 2nd, 2018, so add it to your TBR now!
Don’t Cosplay with My Heart by Cecil Castellucci
Category: Young Adult, Contemporary Romance
Publication: January 2nd, 2018; Scholastic
Purchase: Amazon
When Edan Kupferman dresses up like her favorite character, Gargantua, she feels tall and powerful. That’s important right now, because her family is a mess, her best friend is gone for the summer, her crush is confusing, and Edan’s feeling small and not sure which end is up.
When Edan’s cosplaying, she can be angry, loud, and not the good girl everyone thinks she is. And when she’s at conventions, she feels like she’s found her own Team Tomorrow. But when her personal life starts to spiral out of control, Edan has to figure out whether she needs a sidekick, or if she has the strength to be the hero of her own story.
I LOVE that cover!! Adding this to my TBR!
It really is perfect, right?! I hope I can get an early review copy!
I may have to look in to it as well. It would be a fun book to showcase!
I can’t wait to read this!
This looks like a lot of fun!
Deanna Reads Books