Feature: Celebrate Little Free Library Week

Crushed on by Christy Jane, on May 11, 2024, in Events, Feature / 0 Comments

Feature: Celebrate Little Free Library Week

I remember the first time I heard of Little Free Library. An early childhood research project included them as a way to improve the community reading level (and they were built by Google employees!). This was 10 years ago, just two years after Little Free Library became a non-profit. And now there here celebrating 12 years the week of May 12th!

As a Little Free Library Steward, I plan to celebrate in my own library as well as others in my community. I’ve included some ideas below on how you can participate – what will you do? Leave me a comment and let me know!

How Will You Celebrate Little Free Library Week?

Take a Book, Leave a Book

I mean, it’s a classic. So go find a LFL and trade to your heart’s desire!

Take a Photo, Win Prizes!

Take a photo of your fav LFL and submit your photos with the hashtag #LFLweek to be eligible for prizes


My LFL checks the “matches the home behind it” and “two-story” prompts! I’ll for sure be playing along – tag me in your BINGOs if you do one!

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