Books On Our Radar: Legendary (Caraval #2) by Stephanie Garber
Legendary, the highly anticipated sequel to Caraval, by Stephanie Garber is coming in May!! I have been waiting and waiting for this news, finally revealed on EW! I thoroughly enjoyed Caraval and I can’t wait to see where Legendary takes us! So we don’t have a real book snyopsis yet, and usually I would wait for that but I am too excited and must share! One thing we do know is that Legendary is going to be told from Tella’s point of view! So be sure to add this to your TBR, read Caraval, and pre-order for it’s May 29th, 2018 release!
Legendary (Caraval #2) by Stephanie Garber
Category: Young Adult, Fantasy
Publication: May 29th, 2018; Flatiron Books
Purchase: Amazon
Stephanie Garber’s limitless imagination takes flight once more in the colorful, mesmerizing, and immersive sequel to the bestselling and breakout debut Caraval, following Scarlett’s younger sister, Tella, on a journey to the empire’s capital to fulfill a mysterious bargain.
Oh man! I still need to read book 1!!
It is a book that people seem to love or loathe. I for one was completely enamored and lost in the story! Hope you love it too!
I think I am going to love it! <3