New Release Blitz & Giveaway: ’80s Mix Tape –
A Romance Rewind Anthology
BookCrushin is happy to help spread the word for the newly released anthology ’80s Mix Tape! Check it out, read a few excerpts, and grab it now for only $0.99! Be sure to enter the blitz-wide giveaway at the end!
’80s Mix Tape
Authors: A.J. Pine, Autumn Jones Lake, Bobbi Ruggiero, Gwen Hayes, Jenny Holiday, Karen Booth, Rachel Cowell
Series: Romance Rewind #2
Publication date: February 9th, 2016
Category: New Adult, Romance
Purchase: Amazon
Save a Prayer by Karen Booth
Angie Dawson never wants to see Graham Whiting again, a complete impossibility living in Stourbridge,England, the town outside London where she and Graham grew up. His band, Banks Forest, is so hot in the UK they might as well be on fire. She can’t turn on the blooming radio or watch telly or look at a magazine without being confronted by the ’80s Fab Four, fronted by the sexy bloke she’d once called her boyfriend. Every girl in England wants him. Bloody bastard.
Desperate to escape the 24-7 Banks Forest overload, Angie takes a twoweek job working as a photographer at the Music Revolution festival in the US. Finally, she can set her mind on something other than Graham and what it was like before he started being such a wanker. Maybe she can sort out what to do with her life. If she’s lucky, she’ll meet a cracking guy who doesn’t think he’s God’s gift to women. The instant she steps off the plane, she learns how daft her plan was. Banks Forest mania practically followed her across the Atlantic. Her new job puts her in Graham’s sights and he’s dead-set on winning her back. He knows the perfect things to say, the right way to kiss her and make everything brilliant again. She wants him, she wants him to be the guy he says he can be, but he’s about to go on the road for a year. How does a reunion with her ex end up being anything more than a one-night stand?
Need You Tonight by Gwen Hayes
Jacob Stone is on the run for a crime he didn’t commit, but when he’s stranded with the only woman he’s ever loved by chance, the girl he abandoned to protect two years ago, he can’t deny the need to possess her one last time. Mind, body, and soul.Typical good girl Becky McDonald has loved bad boy Jacob since they were kids, but even as she gives in to the passion only he can ignite in her, she hides the truth. The one secret that would bring him back is the lie she can never reveal.
One night of passion. One night of need. That’s all they can have, but it will never be enough.
Kickstart My Heart by Autumn Jones Lake
Russell“Chaser” Adams knows he’s destined to take over his father’s outlaw motorcycle club one day. With Chaser’s heavy metal band close to making it big, his father encourages him to pursue his music for now. Chaser straddles his Harley and heads across the country to the Sunset Strip.Raised in a strict family with old-world traditions and their own secrets, Mallory Delov longs for glitter and glamor instead of blood and deceit. With her father serving time, it’s the perfect time to escape his domineering grasp and pursue her lifelong dream of becoming an actress.
After nailing her first audition, Mallory is offered the part of a playful vixen who torments the lead singer of the up and coming metal band, Kickstart. Her job description calls for lots of hair tossing and ass wiggling. Not quite the career she had in mind.
She didn’t plan to fall in love either. Unlike any man she’s ever known, she can’t help being drawn to the guitar player, Chaser. He’s sweet, yet dangerous. An irresistible mixture to Mallory.On the surface they seem like complete opposites.
Little do either of them know how much they have in common.
867-5309 by Jenny Holiday
Jenny Fields is a crusader. The editor of her college newspaper, she never met a cause she couldn’t get behind. So when the administration announces it’s tearing down the historic art building, she’s on the case. All she needs to do is get Matthew Townsend, the art department’s most talented student, on board. If she could just get the moody genius to answer his phone…Drummer Girl by A.J. Pine
Sam Walsh is done—done with college, done with guys, done with the whole scene. After graduation tomorrow, she’ll head home, ready to start her job as an elementary school music teacher in the fall. But her roommate coaxes her out for what she promises will be an epic last night, a night that ends up changing everything.London Calling is the up-and-coming band playing at the local bar, and Sam can’t take her eyes off the sexy drummer. When he dedicates the drummer’s choice song to her, she knows the evening might be more epic than she’d imagined. Then one kiss turns her world upside down, making her question everything she thought she wanted out of her last night at school.
Ben McCarthy is the guy behind the drums, the would-have-been 306 valedictorian who dropped out three years ago to follow his dream. Tomorrow he and the band leave for London, but for one unforgettable night, it’s just Sam, the music, and him. Can a girl with her feet planted firmly on the ground fall for the boy who reaches for the stars when the only result is a broken heart?
Young Teacher by Bobbi Ruggiero
Control freak Julia Powers hates surprises. With the skills of a ninja, she keeps her ad business and personal life in perfect order. That leaves zero time for fun, let alone men. But there’s nothing wrong with having a little crush on the guy she sees at lunchtime, is there? Sure, he’s a lot younger, but it’s only a crush. It’s not like she’s going to date him or anything.Matthew Gordon wants nothing more than for his band Joyride to go national. While he waits for his big break, he spends his days working in a sandwich shop—a job he loathes—and teaching guitar on the side—a job he loves. His days get a bit more interesting when a mysterious woman comes in for lunch and hands him a list of her favorite songs. So imagine his surprise when she shows up at his door for guitar lessons.
Unfortunately, Julia can’t play guitar to save her life, and her frustration threatens to ruin any chance of her finding happiness—with herself, or in love. Will he ever be able to teach her that she’s perfect just as she is?
Just Like Heaven by Rachel Cowell
As a premed student, college junior Sarah Lattimore’s life is a carefullycalibrated system of studying, studying, MCAT prep courses, and more studying. She didn’t have time for a social life in high school, and she definitely doesn’t have time for one now. But when she walks into the first day of anatomy lab and sees her gorgeous TA, Sarah’s brilliant mind is suddenly racing in new directions.Grad student Josh Chapman’s mom died of ovarian cancer when he was a teenager, and his grief and rage at the experience turned his future aspirations toward cancer research. But the unbelievably cute, nerdy, and possibly insane Sarah Lattimore is in his section, and she’s… distracting. But when admiring from afar turns to up close and personal, both their academic lives begin to fall apart. Sarah cares too much about her grades to stay with Josh and she breaks things off.
But when she makes a mistake in class that results in Josh facing expulsion, will this mean the end of his dreams? Or will Sarah realize in time that being with Josh was the smartest choice she’d ever made?
Excerpt from Drummer Girl by AJ Pine
“Well,” Claire started, after what she probably thought was the requisite amount of silence when your roommate got all moody over her father’s memory. “I know how to get your mind off worrying about the big day tomorrow.”
I sprang up and got back to work on my closet, the mention of tomorrow bringing me back to today.
“Not happening,” I said, knowing where this conversation was going. “I’m giving a speech at ten o’clock in the morning.”
Claire joined me at my closet, pulling a white tank top off a hanger.
“Here. Wear this under your overalls. It’ll be hot.”
I shook my head.
“I don’t need to be hot because I’m not going out tonight.”
She pulled my hair out of the French braids I’d put in after I showered this morning.
“Hey! Those were supposed to stay in until tomorrow.”
Claire crossed her arms and looked me over, then fluffed out my hair so it lay evenly around my head.
“But now you’ll have that perfect crimped look for tonight!”
She pushed me in front of the mirrored door, and I couldn’t help but smile. I could never get my stick-straight hair to hold any sort of curl unless I left it in braids for hours. And now my light brown locks fell in perfect waves at my shoulders.
The only problem was this look was supposed to be for graduation.
“Pleeease,” Claire pleaded, dragging out the word with an intentional whine. “I have the most epic night planned. You won’t regret it.”
I rolled my eyes and turned back to face her. “You planned an epic evening? You can’t even plan what you’re eating for dinner.”
She laughed and grabbed my arm.
“I ordered Domino’s.” She looked at her watch. “It’ll be here in seventeen minutes.”
She pushed me out my bedroom door and into the room that bisected our apartment, the kitchen/living space combo. On top of our small, round butcher block table sat paper plates, napkins, two plastic cups, and a pitcher of what I knew was my roommate’s famous Long Island iced tea.
When I spun to make a dramatic march back to my room, Claire was on her knees, hands clasped together.
“Seriously?” I asked.
She nodded. “One, last, epic night. I’ll have you home by midnight with enough time to finish packing, get your beauty rest, and be fresh for your speech in the morning.”
I backed toward the table and stared at the empty cups and the pitcher. My eyes volleyed between Claire’s first ever planned meal, regardless that all it took was a phone call and a trip to the corner store, and the girl herself. I was the planner, the one who always wanted to know what came next. So it was saying a lot that she did this for me.
“You know I know you’re full of shit about the whole midnight thing, right?”
I filled one of the cups, and Claire stood, grinning.
“I am completely aware of my full-of-shit-ness,” she said, stepping toward my outstretched hand and grabbing the full cup that was in it.
I filled the second cup, then held it in the air as if ready to toast. Fine. I could change my clothes. I already had an outfit in mind. And it’s not like I couldn’t practice my speech a few more times later tonight. As for packing, I’d put my sewing kit and emergency toiletries into a separate bag next to my suitcase. The few things left in my closet would fit with no problem.
I’d spent enough time preparing to be prepared. Maybe one night of letting go would be good for me.
“You really planned something special?” I asked.
She grinned. “I mean, I use the term plan loosely, but yes. I ordered dinner. I made the drinks. And I know exactly where we’re going and that you’re going to have a blast when we get there.”
Well, how did a girl argue with a plan? I clinked my cup against hers. “To epic last nights, I guess.”
Claire squealed. “To epic last nights!”
And new beginnings, I thought, and I suddenly couldn’t wait for tomorrow.
Excerpt from Just Like Heaven by Rachel Cowell
This is a very important semester for you. You can’t afford to slow down, and you can’t afford to screw up, Sarah, a voice that somehow sounds like my mom and my dad lectures inside my head. And of course my Converse have come untied (I should really stick to Velcro) and of course I trip over my own feet a bit, only to find myself in front of the right room: Goodall 122, my animal physio lab. Thank goodness I’m ten minutes early, as usual, so nobody else from my class is here yet to witness my klutziness.
Kinda seems like a sick joke, to do animal dissections in a building named for one of the world’s greatest primatologists, but irony is perhaps not a strong suit for whoever schedules biology classes.
I’m not squeamish, thank goodness. I’d be a pretty sucky pre-med student if I were. But still, the frog dissection class in high school AP bio was a lowlight for me, and I’m kind of dreading a whole semester of the same. Four hours a week is going to feel like an eternity.
I’m going to smell like Formaldehyde for the next fifteen weeks, I’m sure of it.
“You got this, Sarah,” I half-heartedly attempt, but I can hear the tremor in my voice. I never was much for pep talks. Or pep rallies. Or pep, in general.
I take one more gulp of semi-fresh hallway air, and push the door to 122 open.
There’s a slight tang of methane in the air, as always, and I can tell that the custodial team waxed the floors over the break, because my shoes aren’t holding steady on the aging linoleum floors the way they usually do. In two weeks, I’m sure, my beloved black All-Stars will make a slight squiiick sound with each step in here, as the…whatever…drips off of the lab dissection trays and onto the nice shiny floors. The stickier the floors get, the closer I’ll be to the end of one more semester, to finally, finally, starting med school. To starting the life I’m supposed to have wanted for fifteen years. You can’t afford to slow down, and you can’t afford to screw up.
I reach the front of the classroom, pleased to have my pick of the lab tables nearest the chalkboard. It’s really important to get the right seat on the first day, as even though this is college and there are no assigned seats anymore, most people will sit in the same spot for the rest of the semester. I need the best place in the room to be mine.
I set my messenger bag on the bar-height stool (something I’d know nothing about, were it not for Janey insisting that only losers stay in on Friday nights) and start peeling off my winter gear, and it’s only while I’m doing that really awkward elbows-locked-in-my-coat-sleeves maneuver that I see him. The lab TA. Who is maybe the most gorgeous guy I’ve ever seen.
He could be one of the guys from Tiger Beat, that’s the first thing I notice. All dark floppy-hair that hangs over his eyes and the most beautiful bronze skin.
He’s not smiling, but I bet he has dimples.
The second thing I notice is that he’s fidgeting, rearranging his three pens and his two mechanical pencils, his teacher’s edition of the course textbook, and a pristine-looking composition notebook on the desk. He’s already written his name on the board behind him, but—because it’s the first day of a new semester and the custodians clearly relished the chance to clean this place properly—I can see in the ghost-chalk on the mostly-clean board that he first wrote “Mr. Chapman” and then erased it, settling on “Josh Chapman, ” and I wonder whether he pondered writing MA or ABD or some other collection of initials after his name, because it could not be more obvious that this is his first time teaching.
I have the sudden urge to reassure him, but I am the last person in the world who could help someone else feel less nervous. What the hell could I say?
I decide I’m going to try to smile at him instead, though the smile I can feel creeping over my face is the one that my mom always elbows me about during family photos, the “look how much fun I am pretending to have” smile that always looks sarcastic on film, even though I’m just feeling shy.
He must be able to feel me looking at him—doing that creepy sarcastic smile I’m so great at—and looks up at me. His eyes meet mine, widen slightly, and suddenly I am smiling for real.
Blitz-wide giveaway (INTL) – $25 Amazon Gift Card
Thanks for the chance
Love the 80s. This looks interesting. Thanks
Really enjoyed reading the entire post, thank you!