New Release Tuesday: YA New Releases November 19th 2019
New Release Tuesday: YA New Releases November 19th 2019 Happy Queen of Nothing Day! But I jest, there are more releases than just QoN today, not a lot, but I hope you check them out below!
New Release Tuesday: YA New Releases November 19th 2019 Happy Queen of Nothing Day! But I jest, there are more releases than just QoN today, not a lot, but I hope you check them out below!
New Release Tuesday: YA New Releases November 5th 2019 Well if you thought you had a break of big new release days I am so sorry to let you know there are at least 25 books releasing today…plus a few highly anticipated Adult books with lots of crossover appeal. Adult […]
YA New Releases October 29th 2019 There are some real quality & buzzy books out today! As well as a few boxset releases. What are you adding to your TBR? Box Sets!
Author Interview: Gravemaidens by Kelly Coon Gravemaidens by debut author Kelly Coon, is releasing on October 29th and we are thrilled to be a part of the blog tour and have Kelly answer some interview questions for us! Check out all the book detail below, and there is still time […]
New Release Tuesday: YA New Releases September 24th 2019 I am starting to think the new releases for the year are starting to settle down, then again I already know at least 8 books releasing next week too, so at least soon they will become less prolific. But September has […]
New Release Tuesday: YA New Releases September 17th 2019 Another New Release Tuesday, adding any of these titles to your TBR?
New Release Tuesday: YA New Releases August 20th 2019 August 20th is looking like a good release day! Might not be a lot of books, but quality over quantity, right?
New Release Tuesday: YA New Releases August 13th 2019 Happy New Release Tuesday! If, like me, you still haven’t recovered from last week’s releases, this week isn’t so bad.
Cover Crush: Gravemaidens by Kelly Coon Gravemaidens by Kelly Coon has a soft yet inviting cover. Most fantasy books can be dark and instill a sense of hardship, but this cover makes me feel invited and warm. Pretty covers are a weakness of mine, but the synopsis speaks of strong […]
New Release Tuesday: YA New Releases July 9th 2019 Happy New Release Tuesaday! July 9th 2019 is a big release day, so I hope you parse out your needs, wants, and library holds!