Cover Crush: The Cerulean by Amy Ewing
The Cerulean by Amy Ewing has a cover that just can’t help buy be crushing on! Wow…just stunning and breathtaking! I love the illustrations and the font. The world above the treeline…there is so much to see on this cover! It really draws the reader in; I would probably buy this book on the cover alone. However, I am all for the the sapphic utopian society! Amy Ewing has stated in her tweets that The Cerulean is a fantasy that is based in an all female, all gay, harmonious world. Yeah, sounds like a book I want to read, how about you? If so put The Cerulean on your TBR for the February 5th, 2019 release!
The Cerulean by Amy Ewing
Category: Young Adult, Fantasy
Publication: February 5th, 2019; HarperTeen
Purchase: Amazon
In this first book in an epic YA fantasy duology, New York Times bestselling author Amy Ewing brilliantly conceives a magical, idyllic world with a dark and mysterious underbelly.
Sera has always felt as if she didn’t belong among her people, the Cerulean. She is curious about everything and can’t stop questioning her three mothers, her best friend, Leela, and even the High Priestess. Sera has longed for the day when the tether that connects her City Above the Sky to the earthly world below finally severs and sends the Cerulean to a new planet.
But when Sera is chosen as the sacrifice to break the tether, she doesn’t know what to feel. To save her City, Sera must throw herself from its edge and end her own life. But something goes wrong and she survives the fall, landing in a place called Kaolin. She has heard tales about the humans there, and soon learns that the dangers her mothers warned her of are real. If Sera has any hope to return to her City, she’ll have to find the magic within herself to survive.
Never read her books before but this book sounds and looks awesome
I never read her other series either but I’ve got this one on the TBR pile!
Woaaaaa! Loving that cover!
It’s impressive isn’t it?!
Yes! I just stared at it for another 5 min hahaha
I’m crushing on this cover so hard!