Audiobook Review: The Kill Club by Wendy Heard

Crushed on by Christy Jane, on March 12, 2020, in Reviews / 0 Comments

Audiobook Review: The Kill Club by Wendy Heard

The Kill Club could be subtitled with “Damn, Wendy has done it again.” She’s my latest fav crime fiction writer and to say I am eager for her YA debut is an understatement. See why The Kill Club is not to be missed, especially via audio!

Audiobook Review: The Kill Club by Wendy Heard

The Kill Club

by Wendy Heard
Published by: Mira Books
on December 17, 2019
Genres: Adult, Mystery, Thriller
IndieBoundAudiobook through LibroFM

Jazz will stop at nothing to save her brother.
Their foster mother, Carol, has always been fanatical, but with Jazz grown up and out of the house, Carol takes a dangerous turn that threatens thirteen-year-old Joaquin’s life. Over and over, child services fails to intervene, and Joaquin is running out of time.
Then Jazz gets a blocked call from someone offering a solution. There are others like her—people the law has failed. They’ve formed an underground network of “helpers,” each agreeing to eliminate the abuser of another. They’re taking back their power and leaving a trail of bodies throughout Los Angeles—dubbed the Blackbird Killings. If Jazz joins them, they’ll take care of Carol for good.
All she has to do is kill a stranger.


After getting to know the characters in The Kill Club, I couldn’t wait to meet them. Jazz (who’s been through some shit), Joaquin (her little brother who is under the “care” of an adopted parent), Carol (Joaquin’s adopted mom who you spend the book ready to accept the hit on – SOMEONE BRING ME INTO MURDER CLUB), Sofia (who has also been through some shit and I would take a bullet for), and Detectives Nielsen and Patel (who I feel for in this investigation). This relatively large and complex band of characters manages to make you feel for all of them (except Carol, cuz fuck Carol), even in the midst of all the murder.

The premise is simple: kill someone and in exchange, someone you want killed is killed.

Shit, we aren’t supposed to talk about murder club. That’s rule #1. welp.

Of course, it’s not just a rando but someone you and murder club decide is worth offing in some vigilante-style justice. You can see how this might be problematic, yeah?

Not sure who Wendy has murdered to have the best audio narrators but Almarie Guerra does a killer (heh) job of portraying a full array of emotions and characters.

The twists did not stop coming in this one. It was like peeling back the layers of an onion but actually finding a venus fly trap. I dare you to try to read this book in less than a day.

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