Blog Tour: Enemy Lines by Juliette Michaels

Crushed on by Kelly BookCrushin, on September 16, 2013, in Blog Tour / 2 Comments


Blog Tour: Enemy Lines by Juliette Michaels

Book Crushin welcomes The Pink Bookshelf & Juliette Michaels to present her newest novel Enemy Lines blog tour! Hope you check it out!

EnemyLinesPicEnemy Lines by Juliette Michaels

Genre: Adult, Sci-Fi, Dystopian, Fantasy
Publication: October 1, 2013

Enemy Lines is the story of Rebel Leader Rachel Lawton and Sovereignty Agent Noah Connor struggling to survive in a dystopian America. Rachel is being set up for a traitor’s fall while Noah has been sent in to assure her assassination. Can Rachel stop Noah from trading intelligence that will affect thousands of lives? When Noah starts to fall in love, will he go through with the assassination or put other lives at risk by letting Rachel live?




Rachel Shh


Author Bio: Juliette Michaels

Juliette Michaels is a New Adult and Adult Romance writer. She writes YA under the pen A.J.M. Mousseau.

I was born in San Diego and have lived all over the U.S. including New York, Hawaii, Vermont, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Montana, Arizona, and Washington state. I am a university student studying Modern Literature and Creative Writing.

Fun Info:

*My 85 pound golden retriever Titan likes to sleep on my feet when I write.

*I write from my home which at the moment is a 36 foot recreational vehicle my family and me have been adventuring in for the past three years.

*If I were a superhero, my arch nemesis would be commas and mean people.

* For my pen name, I use my middle name, Juliette and my husband’s first name, Michael as my last <3 Romantic isn’t it?

* My favorite place to write is outside.

Author Links:

Website   |   Facebook


Prima Donna



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2 responses to “Blog Tour: Enemy Lines by Juliette Michaels

  1. BookCrushIn – I love your blog! Your graphics are clear, I can find all the different books your featuring and your reviews are excellent! Thanks for all of your work for readers and authors! I’ll be sure to share you everywhere!
    <3 Juliette Michaels