Author Interview & Giveaway: Wolf of Stone by Quinn Loftis

Crushed on by Kelly BookCrushin, on November 12, 2014, in Author Interview, Blog Tour, Giveaways / 0 Comments

Blog Tour, Interview & Giveaway:
Wolf of Stone by Quinn Loftis


BookCrushin is so excited to support Quinn Loftis with her newest release, the second book in the Gypsy Healers Series, Wolf of Stone! In this post you will find all the book information, trailer, an exclusive interview with Quinn Loftis (you must read who her book crush is!) as well as a tour wide giveaway! Hope you enjoy!


WOLF OF STONEWolf of Stone (The Gypsy Healers Series #2) by Quinn Loftis

Category: Young Adult, Paranormal Romance
Publication: October 31st, 2014
Purchase: Amazon, B&N, iTunes

Dalton Black, a Canis lupis full of guilt and anger, never expected to find his true mate. Perhaps already slipping into madness, he had resigned himself to the fact that he would walk the earth without the other half of his soul. He was convinced that his sins were enough to keep the Great Luna from giving him such a blessing. He knew it was probably better that way. His past was as dark as his name and after three centuries of running from it, the memories were finally catching up to him. But all of those resignations evaporated when he saw her broken and bloodied body lying on that alter. Though the man didn’t recognize her, the wolf did. Through battle and bloodshed he was able to save her from the evil that held her captive, but now he would need her to save him from himself.

Jewel Stone was wholly unaware of the ancient bloodlines of Gypsy Healers, mates to Canis lupis and protectors of the packs – much less that she carried that blood herself. But when a beautiful but deadly woman showed up in her home and ripped her from her realm, she knew her life would never be the same. Her mother, Gem, a fortune teller, had warned her that something was coming, that her life was about to change dramatically, but like everyone else, Jewel had dismissed her as a crazy person.

Jewel was the laughing stock of her school simply because Gem was her mother. And up until now, her life was one big disappointment after another. Instead of heeding her mother’s warning, she hid in her books, burying herself behind knowledge, both fact and fiction. She escaped into worlds created by others and filled her mind with facts of every kind in an effort to push away the hurtful words that others bombarded her with. Despite all of her knowledge and all of her fantastical stories, she never dreamed her own future would be full of adventure, danger, passion, and the possibility of unconditional love. As she lay unconscious after her first bloody encounter in the fae realm, her only chance of survival lay in the hands of a man scarred by his past, disfigured both emotionally and physically, and beyond the reach of any who had tried to help him.

Can two broken people, who carry the other half of each other’s souls, span the chasm between them and restore the innocence ripped from both their lives? Will they let the promise of healing love overcome the difference in age and experience, and the separation of species and realms? Or will they give in to the fear and doubt that would keep them from one another for eternity?



Book Trailer:


into the faeInto the Fae (The Gypsy Healers #1)

Publication: June 4th, 2014
Purchase: Amazon

With peace finally descending on the Romanian Grey Wolves, longtime fae ambassador to the wolves, Perizada, has been given a new mission by the Great Luna. But Peri’s desire for revenge against her sister, Lorelle, burns in her heart. Further complicating matters, the great white wolf, Lucian Lupei, has been returned to the pack after centuries trapped in the Dark Forest, and it appears he is destined to be with Peri. Can she put aside her thoughts of vengeance long enough to accept Lucian’s love and complete her mission?


Author Interview:

Thank you so much for taking your time to answer some questions, Quinn!

BookCrushin: Wolves are a pretty big part of the paranormal genre, what made you decide to write about them?
Quinn Loftis: They are my favorite paranormal species. I feel that they are very redeemable meaning they can have a very dark side and yet still be saved and brought back. I’ve always loved werewolves and tend to navigate to those kinds of books.

How do you set your lore apart from other similar genre books?
I tried to add aspects that I hadn’t heard of before like the markings appearing on both the mates, the concept of the Gypsy Healers being so important to the wolves and the fae sort of being the super natural police.

Our blog is called BookCrushin, so we like to ask, who is your book crush?
One of my favorite male leads is Daemon from the Lux Series by Jennifer Armentrout.

*BC: YES! Swoon & Opposition solidified him at the top of my book crush list!

How do you handle all the extra duties/stress being a successful self-published author?
Some days I handle it better than others. It can become very overwhelming but I just have to take a deep breath and take it one day at a time. I have so many books on the burner and I wish I could be working on all of them at the same time but then they wouldn’t be the best they can be. Having a supportive husband makes a HUGE difference.

If you had 1 do-over in your publishing/writing life, what would it be?
I wish I had known what I was doing when I published Prince of Wolves (better first cover, better editing, better writing etc) but we all have to start somewhere.

What is one book you read this year that you have been telling everyone else to read?
Under Different Stars by Amy Bartol AMAZING BOOK, cannot say enough good things about this book. If you haven’t read it, go get it, you won’t regret it but you also won’t get any work done because you won’t be able to put it down.

Cupcakes or cookies?
Both, I don’t discriminate against any dessert.

Coffee or Tea?
Coffee for sure.


Author Bio: Quinn LoftisQuinn Auth pic

Quinn lives in beautiful NW Arkansas with her husband, 2 sons, Doberman and cat (who thinks she is a ninja in disguise). She is beyond thankful that she has been blessed to be able to write full time and hopes the readers know how much all of their support means to her. Some of her hobbies include reading, exercising, crochet, and spending time with family and friends. She gives all credit of her success to God because he gave her the creative spirit and vivid imagination it takes to write.

Author Links:

Website   |   Facebook   |   Twitter   |   GoodReads    |   Amazon    |   B&N



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