Blog Tour: Review – Full of Grace by Misty Provencher

Crushed on by Kelly BookCrushin, on May 22, 2013, in Author Crush, Blog Tour, Reviews / 5 Comments

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Welcome to day 4 of the Full Of Grace Blog Tour!!

Today’s stop includes my book review, a little crushin on Misty Provencher & details on all her available books. PLUS  2 great giveaways one for USA & one for International fans to enter!

Be sure to check out the Facebook Tour Event where even more fun is to be had!


Full Of Grace by Misty Provencher 
Publication: April 15, 2013 by CreateSpace Independent Publishing
Pages: 186
Genre: New Adult, Contemporary Romance, Mature
Synopsis: Goodreads
Purchase: Amazon, Barnes & Noble

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FoG NEW COVER 1Running about 7 bananas strong on shots from Hale and Oscar Maree’s wedding bar, what happened between Landon Grace and Sher Traifere was supposed to be a one time thing.  A quickie on a romantic night.  Sher wanted a fast evening of fireworks to remember on the dull horizon of her life; Landon wanted to get his mind off his psycho ex by feeling Sher’s curves.  By the end of the evening, a secret of Sher’s complicates Landon’s attempt to escape the girl’s chainsaw giggle.


Some one-night-stands just can’t be finished in one night.


Even more complicating, this one rises back up with a hard shot of morning sickness and an entire repertoire of questions.  The most important being:  how much pull does a guy really have in a woman’s choice to pursue or terminate a pregnancy?


And in this case, how clever can he be about stealing her pants?

Full of Grace is the companion book to HALE MAREE, but readers do not have to read Hale first.


Spoiler-Free Review

I wasn’t the biggest fan of Landon Grace in Hale Maree. He just seemed like a playboy that drank too much. (You do not have to read Hale Maree to read Full of Grace, but go ahead and support indie authors, trust me you won’t be disappointed) But the fact that Full of Grace is told completely from his point of view gave me hope for all of Mankind! This story is fun, witty, full of surprises and a boat load of smexy!

Landon is faced with a big decision due to a one night stand with the maid of honor, Sher at his best friend’s wedding.  Sher is troubled by her single mother’s life and knows just one thing and that is she doesn’t want to live her mother’s mistakes, as she basically already is the sole caregiver for her little siblings. Sher doesn’t want to discuss the baby situation with Landon, she just wants to move on with her life, even though she is not sure where it is going now that she has graduated high school & her best friend, Hale is already moving along in her life. Landon can not help but want to do the right thing, he was raised by a single mother as well but his situation seemed to make him into a better man.  Landon thinks that doing the right thing doesn’t necessarily mean the end of his life…it could just be the perfect beginning. He seems to be the only one fighting for a possible baby & a relationship with Sher, despite all her giggling!
Kiss on the seashore

Don’t be like Sher and give Landon the chance he deserves at making you happy too!


Misty Provencher has such a unique voice that she so kindly shares with the rest of the world. Misty and I friended each other on Goodreads and Facebook before I even read a single title of hers…now I am a Misty FAN convert and trust me she has many!  As an independent author Misty goes out of her way to make her readers happy without giving a damn what publishers want in the marketplace. This is a quality that must be admired, she has gone it alone and I am proud to have found her. She is an amazing person and friend; let alone an author that can make me have all the feels in each and every one of her books! Not one book of Misty’s have I rated less than 4 hearts/stars!  If you haven’t read her Cornerstone Series – what are you waiting for?! (Book links below!)


Once a high school drop out and runaway, Misty Provencher became a college grad, and is now a full-time novelist with a close knit family. She doesn’t do labels well. While she can ride a motorcycle, knows how to Karate chop, and has learned enough French, Spanish, and Sign Language to get herself slapped, Misty’s life is the ruse she uses to connect with people. She is totally enchanted with them and spends her days trying to translate the soul bouquet of her muses into words.

Misty Provencher lives in Michigan. Knock on her internet blog door at: Misty Provencher’s Books,  or find her on Facebook Twitter, Goodreads and Pinterest.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway






BOOK BLURB:  Goodreads

Nalena Maxwell has been branded ‘The Waste’ at her new school, due to her mom’s obsessive paper hoarding. Nalena desperately wants something to change in her life, but when she receives a sign (and it’s the wrong dang one) inviting her into a mysterious, ancient community, too much changes. What she knew of her family, what she thought of her life and what she believed about her future, is no longer applicable. Seventeen years worth of family skeletons come crashing into Nalena’s life and it is the boy…the one that smiles at her like he wants to hear everything she’ll ever say…that already knows her powerful secrets. But it is only Nalena that can choose between protecting the life that is already crumbling beneath her feet and the one that might sacrifice everything she could ever have.


keystoneTITLE:               KEYSTONE



BOOK BLURB:   Goodreads

There’s a man-made storm coming, like a rip in the world, and it’s called the Cusp.

Struggling to fit into the destiny she’s accepted, Nalena Maxwell has been left with one objective: she must find her murdered grandfather’s Memory. Stolen and hidden away by her own father over seventeen years ago, the Memory could be the key to ending the Cusp and destroying the Ianua’s rival community, The Fury.

Driven by each individual’s selfish desires, The Fury has always lacked the loyalty and organization it needs to be an actual force of power.

Until now.

Someone masterminded the Fury’s massive attack on the Ianua, slaughtering twelve of their thirteen community leaders, the Addos. Now there are rumors that the 13th Cura, to which Nali belongs, has gone to the Fury, manipulating the last Addo in order to control the other 12 Curas.

As the Cusp brings the Fury and their own communities against them, Nalena’s Cura must preserve the Ianua, but finding the key to the Cusp isn’t as simple as it seems.



TITLE:               JAMB



BOOK BLURB:    Goodreads

A second ago, Nalena opened her eyes.

And she was safe in Garrett’s arms.

Then it all comes rushing back—the riots, The Fury, the Cusp. The Ianua community is in a major jam.

Forced into survival mode, the Ianua are holed up in the fortress of the Hotel Celare. Each Cura’s top-ranking members have gathered to guard the last remaining Addo, as the entire community also scrambles to trust one another and organize a new game plan to overthrow The Fury.

The trick is to keep the human race alive.

But The Fury’s game has changed. They have a Mastermind at the helm and he is out to destroy the Ianua.

Terrifying and brilliant, this mysterious Mastermind has organized and focused The Fury like never before. He has recruited the Simple and unleashed the Cusp’s wide-spread chaos all around the world.

And behind the scenes of this big picture, Nalena and everyone around her are busy trying to keep up, while also absorbing the rapid-fire aftershocks of their changing lives. There are traitors everywhere.

While The Cusp is expected to bring twists and turns, Nalena and Garrett never expected it to throw a silverware-drawer full of forks into the road. Each path tests their loyalty and their faith and makes them question who is who.

Including themselves.

And each other.

And in the end, some things, you can never see coming.


Announcing CAPSTONE (Cornerstone #4) Coming FALL 2013! 


mercyTITLE:               MERCY, A GARGOYLE STORY


SERIES:                BOOK 1, MERCY SERIES

BOOK BLURB:    Goodreads

“My will to survive is the first thing to drown.

I know, because I hold it under myself.”

After facing severe tragedy in life, Madeline assumes her death will be easy.

But the angels do not come to take her to Heaven.

Instead, what retrieves her is something she never expected: a gargoyle.

Delivered to Truce, the King of the Gargoyles, Madeline now has choices she never wanted. She has the ability to take over the entire Gargoyle Kingdom, if she is willing to kill the king. However, looking to prevent takeover, Truce transforms Madeline, thereby granting her the ability to achieve the thing she wants most—death—if she can just find the human recipient for the Gargoyle Gift that she now has to give. It should be easy.

But lives, whether they are lived or not, are seldom simple, and Madeline’s past still stands in her way. Now, only a voyeur in the life of The Boy with the Golden Rod Voice, Madeline’s must reconcile her own life and death, if she ever hopes to have free reign of her soul.


16094462TITLE:                HALE MAREE


SERIES:                (SEE FULL OF GRACE)

BOOK BLURB:    Goodreads

Hale Simmons dreams of climbing out of her impoverished life, going to college, and getting herself a titanium crash helmet, so she can eventually bust through the Plexiglas ceiling of her crappy life. But for now, she’s just a 18-year-old girl with a flimsy hope, barely getting by with her alcoholic father, Jerry.

But for Hale, ‘crappy’ suddenly takes a nosedive, when Jerry becomes the sole witness to a horrible accident. It is an event which means to affect everyone, especially Hale, who wasn’t even involved.

While the depth of the accident has just begun to unfold, Otto Maree, a prominent business man and old family friend, stands to lose everything because of it. Otto is desperate for Hale’s father to stay quiet about what occurred the night the two men meet for a drink. Out of mutual moments of desperation, the two fathers forge a deal. Jerry is desperate to gain financial stability for both himself and Hale, and Otto Maree is more than willing to pay to keep his secret just that.

But deals like this need to be made of the strongest vows and bound with the most faithful of loyalties. Otto proposes a marriage between Hale and his playboy-son, Oscar, in order to assure that the secret remains ‘in the family’. The mystery surrounding the accident continues to grow and Hale struggles against her own mysterious feelings that begin to develop for Oscar, who turns out to less of a playboy, but just as fiercely loyal and dedicated as his father.

As the pressure around her continues to escalate, Hale realizes that she’s got to decide if this arranged marriage is really just a big mistake or an amazing twist of fate that has been waiting around for this particular accident to happen.


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5 responses to “Blog Tour: Review – Full of Grace by Misty Provencher

  1. Thank you so much for the awesome review, Kelly! So happy that I was able to visit your blog- I’m going to stick around and laze around on your blog couch, if you don’t mind!

    • kelly

      Misty, I wish I was a whiz with words like some of the amazing bloggers out there, but I am real and honest and I think that could be enough! Like I said in my post, I adore you and your books! Thanks for inviting me and I will be there for you in the future!

      Ps. the couch is comfy, I end up on it a lot!

  2. Amber Bradshaw

    Hi Kelly,
    I’m new to your blog (Misty brought me), but I really enjoy it. Great review! I’m enjoying reading older posts, too!

    • kelly

      Awww thanks so much Amber! I really appreciate the compliment & any friend of Misty’s is a friend I enjoy meeting!

  3. Kip

    Landon is a hunk with a heart, and I fell down laughing when he stepped on Lisa’s turf. Was rooting for him to escape in one hunky piece. The courtship is up and down and all around, and I loved every minute! Don’t miss this one!