Blog Tour: Review & Top 10 – Dreamscape by Christie Rich

Crushed on by Kelly BookCrushin, on August 13, 2013, in Blog Tour, Giveaways, Reviews / 18 Comments



Blog Tour: Review & Top 10 – Dreamscape (Netherworld #1) by Christie Rich

Book Crushin is thrilled to be a part of CBB Book Promotions to bring you a fun stop for the Dreamscape by Christie Rich Blog Tour! In this post you will find all you need to know about the book, my spoiler-free review, a special Top 10 post where I ask the author what books she would take on desert island and of course an awesome GIVEAWAY!


DreamscapeDreamscape (Netherworld #1) by Christie Rich

Category: New Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal Romance
Publication: July 23, 2013; Tarser Publishing
Pages: 300
Synopsis: Goodreads
Purchase: Amazon, B&N

[book rating=5.0/5.0]

Every night before Amelia falls asleep she makes a wish to dream of him – the man who calls her to their beautiful private oasis, her sanctuary where she is free of her greedy landlord’s threats. But tonight, he will not call Amelia to him. Tonight, another man will step into her world to claim her. Tonight, Amelia’s shattering reality will crumble – and disappear into the Dreamscape…along with her freedom.


When Amelia dreams tonight, her nightmare becomes her new world where Seth is her captor and anything is possible…except escape. Seth needs Amelia to break the curse that binds him to the Dreamscape. He must convince her that she was made to free him, that she was made to join him.


For if he fails, he will never escape his prison, and he will lose Earth to the Netherworld where the evil Erobos wait to consume the human realm and everything in it. If he fails, Seth will lose the one thing that matters to him: Amelia.


Spoiler-Free Review:

What can I say about Dreamscape without giving anything away?! Let me start with my crazy passion for this book that I’ve had a hard time keeping it bottled up until today! Dreamscape was brilliant; the world and mythology was so unique and beautiful. The characters…whoa. Amelia is strong, funny and gifted. Seth is, well he is complicated and all male. Plus a full cast of well crafted supporting characters.

Dreamscape is an adventure, a fantasy, a study of oneself and definitely a romance. I loved that this book is told from both Amelia & Seth’s POV. It really provides an insight into their minds and helps the reader understand exactly how they each feel. Plus it is not a retelling, but helps move the story along. Amelia has a hard time grasping where and what she is and exactly what the danger she and the human world faces so it is no surprise that this concept is also hard for the reader too. But everything comes together for a gripping ending that leaves you right on the edge of that cliff. Oh yes, cliffhanger, and book 2 is still being crafted, so wait eagerly we must.

I am trying really hard not to spoil this book, but what you need to know is this – READ this book. It truly is worth every minute of your time and every dollar you spend. Christie Rich’s writing is so vivid, you will delve into into the dreamscape and may choose to never come back.

I have to say that this book isn’t quite the same as what is becoming known as new adult genre, but due to the complicated themes and some mild mature situations (for the NA genre), I would say that I agree with a 16+ recommendation. However, trust me, Seth & Amelia are smokin’ hot, they do not disappoint! I can easily see book 2 getting much more mature. Hope you all enjoy this novel as much as I did and it is worth every heart I can give.

Top Ten: List Your Top 10 Books You’d Bring to a Deserted Island

by Christie Rich

It’s such a pleasure to be here at Book Crushin! Thanks so much for hosting me today, Kelly.

My top ten books I’d bring to a deserted island. Hmmm. What a fun thing to think about ,considering the morbid environment. With these books, I might not even notice I was withering away to bones, lol.

I was so delighted to see that you allowed series to count as one entry. Just two of the series below would fill ten books, so that is quite a huge relief.

It’s tough to make a call like this, but here I go anyway. These are in no particular order since I love them all!

10—Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis—loved them as a child and I still do. I love to look at old wardrobes in antique stores, although none have been quite so elaborate as the one I envisioned when I read the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe!

9—The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown—kept me reading into the wee hours of the morning!

8—The Stained Series by Ella James—I’m on the third book and love everything about the series so far.

7—Fever by Karen Marie Moning—The imagination it took to create something like Jericho Barrons is a thing of beauty! Loved the cliffhangers and the banter between the characters.

6—Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen—who doesn’t love Mr. Darcy?

5—Touched Series by Nancy Straight—This is one of the most original series I have ever read. Who would have thought Centaurs could be sexy, lol.

4—The Premonition Series by Amy Bartol—If I died tomorrow, I wouldn’t be able to stand not knowing who Evie ended up with! I’m shooting for Brenus, myself.

3—The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare—Jace, sigh! I love this series and am so glad I picked it up after Twilight.

2—The Twilight Saga—I loved it when I first read it, and I still get drawn in whenever I pick it up.

1—Scriptures—call me old-fashioned, but there it is.

I’d love to hear what your top ten is. Have I missed a series that is to die for?


Kelly’s Top 10: This is so hard, I can’t believe how great Christie’s list is! So how could I not give it a shot too…my list is also in no particular order. Plus I was trying to chose series, so you know, more books! I left off a lot of my stand alone novels, just to take advantage of of my own rule.

10 – Fever Series by Karen Marie Moning – I’ll throw this one in right off the bat, since it was on Christie’s list. A must have. Also must include the Dani O’Malley Fever World series including future releases 😉

9 – The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare – Oh dear lord, this series is just so important…plus the movie in just a few days. Excitement!

8 – Cornerstone Series by Misty Provencher – The phrase I use to describe this series over and over is “All the feels, all of them.” As long as I am not deserted before Capstone is released!

7 – Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling –  Because I am positive re-reading these over and over would never ever get old.

6 – The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins – I could never survive without it. I will need all the odds in my favor.

5 – The Iron Fey by Julie Kagawa – No surprise this is on my list…so much love…for my Winter Prince.

4 – The Hollows (Rachel Morgan Series) by Kim Harrison – These are not YA at all…but I am an adult & I love the Urban Fantasy Ms. Harrison created!

3 – The Black Dagger Brotherhood by JR Ward – Did I mention I like UF, Vampires & I am and adult?

2 – Vampire Academy & Bloodlines by Richelle Mead – Well this series does contain 2 of my biggest book crushes so no brainer…Rose and Adrian, crushin’ hard.

1 – The Newsflesh Trilogy by Mira Grant – I am a sucker for zombies and this is still by far my favorite series since I have to chose and all.

Well be sure to leave Christie & me some comments on what you think of our top 10 lists…because this was really hard work.



Prize #1: (US only) Necklace made by Primal Painter at & a signed paperback copy of Dreamscape
Prize #2: (INT) $30 Gift Card

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Author Bio: Christie RichChristie Rich Author Photo

I grew up daydreaming about fairytales, and my love for discovering new worlds has never died. I am not one of those writers who always knew I would write. I thought that was what other people did until one day, a few years ago, I took a challenge from a friend and typed my first words. My journey has been wonderful, and I cannot imagine a day where I would ever give up writing. My love for reading is what fueled my imagination in the first place and still does. When I am not writing or reading, I enjoy family time with my husband and two children.  My family and I live in a quiet community  in Northern Utah, and I am so thankful for the rich life I have been blessed with.


Author Links:

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18 responses to “Blog Tour: Review & Top 10 – Dreamscape by Christie Rich

  1. What can I say other than SQUEEE!!! Kelly!!! Thank you so much for reading and reviewing Dreamscape! I’m so excited that you loved it! I’m working hard on the second book, I promise, lol.

    And the top ten…How in the world did I forget Harry Potter? Hello! There’s just not enough room for all my favs. 🙂

    I still haven’t read the Black Dagger Brotherhood or the Iron King Series. I’ve got to get going on my reading, but my time is limited these days, lol.

    Thanks again for being so awesome and for hosting me today, Kelly!

    Much love,


    • Awww thanks so much Christie! I really did love the book & I will wait, semi-patiently for book 2! Good thing there are so many books for us to read in the meantime. I need to tackle my TBR list for sure & I don’t have writing books as my excuse!

      I look forward to reading your Elemental Enmity series now too! So glad Candace connected me with you!


      • Christie Rich

        Me too, Kelly! And my to-read is over 500 now! Seriously, when am I going to get to all those books? LOL.

  2. YAY! I’m so excited about your review, it’s awesome! I’m just so stinkin’ happy you loved the book so much!

    Aw Christie, what a great list! Actually, we’ll make this a bit shorter, both of you picked some good ones.
    The Fever series (um, yeah, you don’t want to leave Barrons behind!)
    The Hollows (I could reread these books forever)
    Cornerstone series (I will read ANYTHING that Misty writes, she’s ah-mazing!)

    I’ve read some of the others mentioned, but these are the ones that would be on my list too. I would add in Jacqueline Carey’s Kushiel’s books as well. The rest would require more thought from me. 🙂

    Thanks so much for hosting a tour stop!

    • Thanks for being a great Host Candace! I can not wait to work with you more in the future! And yes, picking the top 10 was no easy feat. I definitely struggled, but then went with a bunch of series that I just knew would be forever re-readable!

      • Christie Rich

        You’re not kidding, Kelly! That was hard picking the books, but re-readable is the most important thing to me. If I can pick up a book and get sucked in again, it goes on my favorites list!

        See I need to read the Cornerstone series. I met Misty at Utopya in Nashville in June and she was just the sweetest!

        • Well the Cornerstone series reads quick (not short, but smooth) plus Capstone (book 4) will be releasing soon! I am very excited! I hope I can get myself to some conferences to meet some authors in person next year!

  3. Brandi West

    thanks for the great giveaway!! the necklace is BEAUTIFUL & I can’t wait to read Dreamscape

  4. Melissa

    Several of your top 10 would be on mine. Love Love Love the Harry Potter series. Yes I was one who cried when I finished the last book and then cried again years later when I was done watching the last movie. Twilight series-read 8 times, nuff said. Hunger Games would definitely be on my list. And I love the Sookie Stackhouse series. One adult mystery/romance book I love and think it needs to be a movie is “Blood Vines” by Erica Spindler.
    Kelly- I will have to read some of the Vampire ones you listed. Definitely another favorite subject of mine.

    • Melissa,
      When I first heard of the Vampire Academy – my initial thoughts were “worst title ever” but it was getting amazing reviews so I gave it a go & it’s been a love affair happily ever after!! I think you will love it too! Plus there is a movie – trailer is being released tonight! I am excited!

      The Black Dagger Brotherhood is a mature series… but overall very well done and entertaining!


      • Christie Rich

        Okay, I fell in love with Vampire Academy, but somehow I lost track of the series after, I think it’s called Frostbite, or something like that. This is bad Christie talking here, lol. I decided since I had missed all the releases I was going to wait until all of the books were finished before I read the rest, but now I’m going to have to start over. I love Rachel Mead’s writing!

        She even has Bloodlines now, right?

        I’m so behind, lol.

    • Christie Rich

      Melissa, I will ALWAYS love Twilight. It’s what started me reading again!

      I love Suzanne Collins writing, as well, but I quit the Hunger Games after the first book because I couldn’t wrap my head around kids killing kids. I’m not much for dystopian anyway, but my son is 13 and the thought of him fighting for his life freaked me out. I guess the scary part for me was when I realized something like that has already happened throughout our history, just not with kids. The whole gladiator era is baffling, and why on earth did everyone want to show up to a hanging?

      Let’s just say I’m a wimp about this stuff and leave it at that. Maybe some day I’ll pick the series up again, but it will have to be when my kids are out of that age range. I cried so many times during the Hunger Games, I just don’t think I could take more of it until they are older. Sappy mom, right?

      I haven’t heard of Blood Vines, but I’m going to look into it!

      • Melissa

        Christie- Blood Vines- Think mystery, scandal and hidden secrets in wine country CA, with adult content rolled into one.

        I hear you about the Hunger Games. My kids are very young so I didn’t have that connection when I read the book but it was the ‘I can’t believe they would make kids fight to the death; that kept me reading. Kind of like how people stare at a horrific accident.

        • Christie Rich

          Oh, good to know, Melissa! And, yeah, I don’t think I would have been as disturbed if my kids were different ages. I was so hooked by the end of reading Hunger Games, but I had three weeks until Mocking Jay came out and by that time I’d talked myself out of it, lol.

          • OK Christie…you have to finish the series & read Mockingjay! I could never just stop a series, unless it was affecting me way too negatively, but I think you will be pleasantly surprised with the 3rd book! Now I think I need to re-read the series, it’s so hard since I want to read so much stuff that I haven’t read yet! 🙂