Book Blitz & Giveaway: Tattoo (Take it Off #7) by Cambria Hebert

Crushed on by Kelly BookCrushin, on March 16, 2014, in Blog Tour, New Releases / 0 Comments


Book Blitz & Giveaway: Tattoo (Take it Off #7)
by Cambria Hebert

BookCrushin is happy to be a part of this new release blitz for Tattoo, book 7 in the new adult series, Take It Off by Cambria Hebert! In this post you will find all the new release information, an excerpt, and a giveaway! Enjoy!

Cambria is having a release party on Facebook Sunday evening on the 16th! Be sure to join the party!

***This is a new adult contemporary novel and contains sexual content and graphic language. It is not intended for young adult readers.***



Tattoo_Hebert_ebooksmTattoo (Take it Off #7) by Cambria Hebert

Category: New Adult, Contemporary Romance
Publication: March 10, 2014
Purchase: Amazon, B&N, Smashwords

A tattoo gets them in trouble… He will get them out.


After years of cultivating an undercover identity, Brody West is finally off the case and free to live a life of his own. All that time spent in the company of criminals and killers left him a little jaded… and with an identity crisis. He isn’t sure who he is anymore, or who he wants to be.


To give him time to think, he takes a few days off to go fishing. On his way out of town, he makes a routine stop at the bank and finds himself flirting with the girl behind the counter.


But his flirtation is cut short when criminals burst into the bank and shoot her right before his eyes.


In attempt to administer first aid, Brody reveals a tattoo on his back. A mark that will drag him and the girl into the kind of situation he was trying to get away from. But he can’t walk away because he’s the only thing capable of keeping Taylor alive and bringing down the guys who shot her—guys who are seriously dangerous.




Tattoo  – Copyrighted by Cambria Hebert

I had to be in shock.

There was a reason I wasn’t more afraid. There was a reason I wasn’t screaming and fighting to get out of Brody’s arms and away from this god-awful dirty, abandoned, completely creepy gas station. My body wasn’t getting enough blood flow, likely because all the blood was flowing out of me instead of throughout my veins.

It was making me sluggish, slowing my response, and in defense, my body wasn’t making adrenaline. So naturally, I felt completely safe in this stranger’s arms.

Yeah. That was totally it.

It had nothing to do with the fact that he was shirtless, totally ripped, and covered in tattoos that practically screamed sex appeal. It also had nothing to do with the fact he was wearing a backward baseball cap that screamed thuggish behavior. Thuggish behavior was bad. It was very bad.

But so very good.promo6

The thought caused me to shiver and in reaction to the small movement, Brody pulled me just a little bit closer to his chest. His heat was delicious and I felt my eyes begin to droop. Maybe all I needed was a little nap… just a few minutes to rest my eyes.

“Tay,” a nearby voice commanded. “No sleeping.”

I grunted in displeasure and forced my eyes back open, looking around the room. If I couldn’t sleep, then I would study my surroundings. The place looked the way one would expect an abandoned gas station to look. It was basically a large box with concrete walls and floors that were once covered in linoleum but now were peeling and dirty. In the center of the room were empty racks that likely used to hold merchandise. The counter at the front of the room was bare and crooked, like part of it was sinking into the floor. Behind it on the wall was a sign that read what I assumed was supposed to say QUICK MART except the Q and U were missing so it read as ICK MART.

It was actually very accurate.

The windows were all boarded up, with only slivers of sunlight filtering through, leaving ribbons of light across the dusty and trash-littered floor. Off in the corner was a pile of old brown leaves that would likely lie there until they turned to dust.

On the far end of the room were several large coolers, the kind that sat on the floor and opened from the top. They were no longer working, no longer white, and frankly I would be terrified to go and see what was inside them.

So this is where criminals hung out?

The movies made it look so much more glamorous.

“Down here,” one of the men called to Brody, and he pivoted around, following after the men who opened up a hidden door in the wall and disappeared. I could hear their boots clomping down a set of stairs and fear clawed its way up the back of my throat.

I felt my limbs go rigid. They wanted us to go into a basement?


Author Bio: Cambria Hebertcambria

Cambria Hebert is the author of the young adult paranormal Heven and Hell series, the new adult Death Escorts series, and the new adult Take it Off series. She loves a caramel latte, hates math and is afraid of chickens (yes, chickens). She went to college for a bachelor’s degree, couldn’t pick a major, and ended up with a degree in cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair. She currently lives in North Carolina with her husband and children (both human and furry) where she is plotting her next book. You can find out more about Cambria and her work by visiting

“Like” her on Facebook, Follow her on TwitterPinterest & GoodReads



Blitz-wide giveaway – Prizes – open to US and CAN
–A signed PB of Tattoo, a book thong, a take it off swag pack and $10 amazon gift card.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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