Blog Tour: Choisie Series by Lori L. Otto

Crushed on by Kelly BookCrushin, on October 15, 2014, in Blog Tour / 0 Comments

Blog Tour: Choisie Series by Lori L. Otto



Series: Choisie

Titles included: Contessa, Olivia, Dear Jon, and Livvy

Author: Lori L. Otto

Released: Feb 2014

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Series Teaser

The Choisie series is a Young Adult/New Adult story following a teenage girl as she struggles to find her footing under the scrutiny of local media and the cautious eye of her overprotective father.

Livvy Holland was adopted by a generous and wealthy couple as a child. Now sixteen, she is a burgeoning artist, encouraged by her mother and inspired by a man she was never able to meet. Feeling estranged from a loving father whose mind works much differently than her own, she questions whether or not she was paired with the right guardians. In her plight for independence, she reconnects with a fellow art student who grew up alongside Livvy.

Jon Scott has led anything but a privileged life. After his father passes away, he is left to care for his two half-brothers while his mother’s alcoholism threatens to tear his family apart. All he wants for himself and his brothers is a better life. His dreams for an Ivy League education are coming to fruition, thanks to a lifetime of hard work and ambition. This is not only important to Jon himself; he also knows that the man who will win Livvy’s heart has to be someone exceptional. Her father would accept nothing less–and Jon believes that Livvy deserves the best of everything, too.

That may be the only thing Jon and Livvy’s father agree upon.

Over the course of their courtship, these two teens will experience the bliss of true love, but their immaturity and differing lifestyles will also threaten to tear them apart. They both begin to question the other’s devotion and commitment; only time will tell if their first love is meant to last a lifetime.

This series, comprised in totality of four books, allows the reader to experience first love for a second time. The first three books–Contessa, Olivia, and Dear Jon–are available now, with the fourth book–Livvy–slated to be released December 9th!

Buy Links:Covers

Contessa – Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes


Olivia – Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes


Dear Jon – Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes


Livvy – Coming Dec 9th, 2014 – Amazon | iTunes





Jon shakes his head. “It’s weird, because I’d never really thought about ‘love’ when it came to my dad. It wasn’t something I’d ever really looked for. I knew some kids had that–hell, I knew you had that, with the way your dad doted over you–but I just assumed you were all lucky, or special, or somehow extraordinary. I never knew it was something I should expect. I mean, my dad never even told me he loved me. And when Will and Max came along, their dad was the same. Emotionally dead.

“And Mom wasn’t much better. She was too hurt by my dad–and then too drunk in the wake of what happened. She’d tell me she loved me, but it was rarely when she was in a coherent, sober state.”DJ Teaser 2

“I love you, Jon,” I tell him spontaneously, moved to say so by his story and by my own genuine compassion for him. “How could anyone not love you?” Sadness overwhelms me as I look into his eyes, and I feel myself begin to cry. “Don’t believe it for a second. Just because they didn’t say it doesn’t mean they didn’t feel it.”

Another tear falls down his cheek, but he never breaks down. He looks at me for a few seconds, his thumbs wiping away the wetness from my face, and returns my involuntary verbal outburst with an instinctive physical one of his own. His lips crash hard against mine, moving quickly as his hands lace through my hair and rest at the nape of my neck.

Both of us in need of a breath, he turns his head to the side slightly, resting his temple against mine. My hands press on his chest, feeling the fast rise and fall of his breathing that mirrors my own. His left hand trails down my right arm until it reaches my hip. His fingers grasp my hipbone as his right hand gently caresses my cheek.

“I need you,” he whispers in my ear. I nod my head against his, and I know he can feel my response. He continues to stroke the corner of my mouth with his thumb. I kiss it sweetly, and he lets it linger over my lips. I kiss it a few more times before I grasp his t-shirt in my hands and start to take it off. He lets go of me to pull it over his head.

His eyes trained on mine, he stands up in front of me, offering his hand to help me to my feet. Once standing, I kiss his lips, then his jawline, then his neck, and he turns his shoulder like clockwork, bending down ever so slightly so I can kiss the dream and the sleep.

Contessa 4





AuthorLori L. Otto

After graduating from the University of Texas at Arlington in 1997 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications, Lori Otto worked in the billboard industry for ten years. Frustrated with trying to communicate entire messages in “seven seconds or less,” she decided to leave outdoor advertising and return to her love of creative writing.

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Series Teaser 2







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