Comic Crush Saturday: February 23, 2019
Welcome to Comic Crush Saturday, our bi-weekly feature focused on the graphic elements of the book world. Comics became a huge part of my life a few years ago when I started reviewing them (and comic related TV shows) on Forever Young Adult. I’ve maintained a pulllist through my local comic shop, Isotope Comics, and even got Kelly to start one ;). You’ll find mini-reviews, what we’ve read recently, and more so check it out!
Featured Book of the Week:
Oh, my gosh. This book was adorable with just the right amount of angst to keep me invested right through the end.
Ari has been told his whole life that some day he will take over his family bakery. This is not the life he wants.
Enter Hector, the cute boy who bake like there’s no tomorrow.
This book is such a slow burn and I am so here for it. I wanted them together the first glance on the page and yet there’s so much going on here. Hector loves to bake, Ari wants to get away from it. These boys are so soft and I am here for it.
I adored the art in this book. The line work is so clean and the monochrome blue just presents beautifully. Expressions come across clearly and the art enhances and tells much of the story.
Also I spent this whole book hungry and immediately wanted to make the recipe in the back of the book. Dang not having starter!
What We Can’t Wait For
Ok, this is an unconventional pick but FOR REAL Gina is so dang talented and I can’t wait to see what she does at Random House Graphic. Is it 2020 yet?
Best News of the Week
There is no better time to fall in love with comics than with FREE comics during Free Comic Book Day, coming May 4th to a local comic store near you!
I love the behind the scenes but can I just have it? PLEASE?
Two things you shouldn’t be sleeping on: Cloak & Dagger and Freeform. Cloak & Dagger is easily Marvel’s best cinematic experience (FIGHT ME) and being on Freeform (land of diverse shows – Good Trouble featured a threesome between young adults this week mmhm) means we get risks other networks wouldn’t take. The show turns some bad stereotypes on their heads but keeps the politics in comics – including addressing human trafficking here. Catch up with season 1 now and get ready for season 2! Check out the newly released trailer below!
Just when you thought Brie Larson couldn’t get any better…Who else has tickets for March 7th?
I’m not crying, you’re crying. G. Willow Wilson exiting Ms. Marvel is bittersweet but this cover is just A TEARJERKER.
How nerd culture became bro culture and why this shit needs to S T O P.
If you think reading graphic novels isn’t “real reading” – you’re dead wrong. Not reluctant, just eager for graphic novels. LOVE THIS.