Cover Crush: Eight Will Fall by Sarah Harian
Eight Will Fall by Sarah Harian has such a dark and foreboding cover. Also, it’s illustrated so clearly I love it. I can’t help myself I love the art! I definitely get a Paper Girls or Stranger Things vibe from the cover & the synopsis, which tell us a lot more, but it sounds dark and full of terrors! There will be blood and death, and author has added content warnings to her website, so if you need to know those things, it is available. I love the group storys, the crews of misfits, and I am looking forward to this one. Eight Will Fall is releasing on November 26th, and you can add it to your TBR now!
The Eight Will Fall cover was created by artist Levente Szabo, and the book was designed by Katie Klim.
Omg this cover! This synopsis! This book! I need it!!!! Thanks for sharing!