Cover Crush: I Loved You in Another Life by David Arnold

Crushed on by Kelly BookCrushin, on August 28, 2023, in Cover Crush / 0 Comments

Cover Crush: I Loved You in Another Life by David Arnold

I Loved You in Another Life by David Arnold just has such a beautiful wintery cover design! I personally love covers with a night scene, and they are much more rare than a sunny scene. David Arnold is a favorite author in these parts, so I am very excited to be transported into a world where I know there will be well-crafted prose, thoughtful plots, and touching insights about the characters that will surely extrapolate into your life and world and stay with you for a long time. Or maybe that’s just what happens to me when I read one of his books, and I hope you experience the same. Add this stunning book to your TBR for the October 10th release. You can preorder a signed & personalized copy from Parnassus Books!

Cover Artist: Sam Chivers; Cover Design: Theresa Evangelista

Thank you to Penguin Teen for the advance copy!

Cover Crush: I Loved You in Another Life by David Arnold

I Loved You in Another Life

by David Arnold
Published by: Viking Books for Young Readers
on October 10, 2023
Genres: Contemporary Romance, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Young Adult

New York Times bestseller David Arnold returns with a poignant love story about two teens whose souls come together time and again through the ages—for fans of Nina LaCour and Matt Haig.

Evan Taft has plans. Take a gap year in Alaska, make sure his little brother and single mother are taken care of, and continue therapy to process his father's departure. But after his mom’s unexpected diagnosis, as Evan’s plans begin to fade, he hears something: a song no one else can hear, the voice of a mysterious singer . . .

Shosh Bell has dreams. A high school theater legend, she’s headed to performing arts college in LA, a star on the rise. But when a drunk driver takes her sister’s life, that star fades to black. All that remains is a void—and a soft voice singing in her ear . . .

Over it all, transcending time and space, a celestial bird brings strangers together: from an escaped murderer in 19th century Paris, to a Norwegian kosmonaut in low-earth orbit, something is happening that began long ago, and will long outlast Evan and Shosh. With lyrical prose and original songs (written and recorded by the author), I LOVED YOU IN ANOTHER LIFE explores the history of love, and how some souls are meant for each other—yesterday, today, forever.

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