Cover Crush: Indelible by Dawn Metcalf

Crushed on by Kelly BookCrushin, on January 8, 2013, in Cover Crush / 0 Comments

indelibleIndelible is the first book in an intriguing new series called The Twixt set to be released in July. We were struck by this cover because it’s so different from traditional YA Covers and was sort of mesmerizing in its beauty and of course the concept of the book sounds cool too! See the synopses from Goodreads:

Joy doesn’t know who “Ink” is, but she suspects it might be the guy who tried to stab her in the eye. Ever since that night at the club, Joy keeps finding cryptic notes, messages, and threats for Ink. Trying to disentangle herself from this bizarre case of mistaken identity, Joy discovers the truth about the mysterious Indelible Ink and other members of the Twixt, unexpectedly pitting them both against a world of monsters, illusion, immortal honor and revenge, and a scheme to end the Age of Man.

What do you think of Indelible? Do you think it’s worthy of our Cover Crush?
