Cover Crush: Miss You Love You Hate You Bye by Abby Sher
Strong female friendships. Mental health rep. Narrative and epistolary storytelling. Miss You Love You Hate You Bye not only has a cover to crush on but an important story to tell. Check it out and be sure to pick it up on the 18th!
Miss You Love You Hate You Bye
by Abby Sheron February 18, 2020
Zoe and Hank (short for Hannah) have been inseparable since they met in elementary school. The leader of the pack, Zoe is effortlessly popular while Hank hides comfortably in her shadow. But when Zoe's parents unexpectedly divorce, Zoe's perfect facade starts cracking little by little. Sinking under the weight of her broken family, Zoe develops an eating disorder. Now she must rely on Hank for help.
Hank struggles to help Zoe; after all, she is used to agreeing, not leading. How can she help her best friend get better before it's too late?
Written partially in letters from Zoe and mostly in narrative from Hank's perspective, Miss You Love You Hate You Bye is a poignant and eye-opening novel about friendship, mental health, and learning to put yourself first.