Cover Crush: My Eyes Are Up Here by Laura Zimmerman
My Eyes Are Up Here by Laura Zimmerman has to be a cover crush with that title and that cover! My eyes are all sorts of hearts. This is a book about girl whose boobs take over her life…going from flat to H in a matter of months. This debut sounds just like what a lot of girls go through during puberty and coming to grips with figuring out who you are and your worth that isn’t tied to your looks or body shape. Expect tears and laughter when you read My Eyes Are Up Here which is releasing next summer, so add it to your TBR now!
The illustrator for this cover is Ana Hard.
My Eyes Are Up Here
by Laura ZimmermannPublished by: Dutton Books for Young Readers
on June 23, 2020
Genres: Young Adult, Contemporary
Bookshop, IndieBound
My Eyes Are Up Here is YA novel from debut author Laura Zimmerman about a teenage girl struggling to rediscover her balance—and her voice—in the year after a surprising growth spurt.
A "monomial" is a simple algebraic expression consisting of a single term. 30H, for example. 15-year-old Greer Walsh hasn't been fazed by basic algebra since fifth grade, but for the last year, 30H has felt like an unsolvable equation--one that's made her world a very small, very lonely place. 30H is her bra size--or it was the last time anyone checked. She stopped letting people get that close to her with a tape measure a while ago.
Ever since everything changed the summer before ninth grade, Greer has felt out of control. She can't control her first impressions, the whispers that follow, or the stares that linger after. The best she can do is put on her faithful XXL sweatshirt and let her posture--and her expectations for other people--slump.
But people—strangers and friends—seem strangely determined to remind her that life is not supposed to be this way. Despite carefully avoiding physical contact and anything tighter than a puffy coat, Greer finds an unexpected community on the volleyball squad, the team that hugs between every point and wears a uniform "so tight it can squeeze out tears." And then there's Jackson Oates, newly arrived at her school and maybe actually more interested in her banter than her breasts.
Laura Zimmermann's debut is both laugh-out-loud funny and beautifully blunt, vulnerable and witty, heartbreaking and hopeful. And it will invite readers to look carefully at a girl who just wants to be seen for all she is.