Cover Reveal: American Demon by Kim Harrison

Crushed on by Jana Morimoto, on December 18, 2019, in Cover Crush, Cover Reveal, Future releases / 0 Comments

Cover Reveal: American Demon by Kim Harrison

Have you heard we are getting another Rachel Morgan/Hollows book, American Demon! I couldn’t believe it when I saw the news! Fourteen books is a lot of action, adventure, and drama, and yet I think we were all all clamoring for more. We were told her story was done and yet do I want to let go of this epic series? No. It’s so hard to let go of those characters we know and love. This is so exciting that we get another view into her world. Do I hear a series re-read coming? Better start soon since American Demon releases on June 16th!

Now look at the cover! Can we just talk about how gorgeous it is? I love the rainbow of colors that permeates the cover and can’t wait to see how this ties into the story, since as we all know, the covers of novels tend to be representational of the content. We get a view of our kick butt heroine but also some bright magical colors. I can’t wait to see what Rachel does next!

Check our Kim Harrison’s author letter to her fans below!

American Demon

by Kim Harrison
Published by: ACE
on June 16, 2020
Genres: Adult

A thrilling return to the #1 New York Times bestselling urban fantasy series, continuing Rachel Morgan’s story.


What happens after you’ve saved the world? Well, if you’re Rachel Mariana Morgan, witch-born demon, you quickly discover that something might have gone just a little bit wrong. That the very same acts you and your friends took to forge new powers may have released something bound by the old. With a rash of zombies, some strange new murders, and an exceedingly mysterious new demon in town, it will take everything Rachel has to counter this new threat to the world–and it may demand the sacrifice of what she holds most dear.

You can preorder the book here!

Note from Kim Harrison

“Is it about Rachel?” must be the most asked question I’ve been fielding since the news of American Demon’s publication broke.

Yes, I said the Hollows was complete. Rachel had found her happy ending, her world was, if not perfect, at least not being upended every three months by a new big-bad-ugly or her hidden past. She had gone from entitled ignorance to someone of balance and purpose, she had a family not of blood, but of bond. What more could another book add? But still . . . something niggled and wiggled in my thoughts, haunting the breath of time between wake and sleep, and I finally agreed that perhaps the story wasn’t done quite yet.

And so The Turn came about, showing just how big a tool Trent’s dad had been and that Trent came by his magic (his mom) and his questionable morals (his dad) and his drive (both of them) honestly. Now it’s done, I thought in satisfaction, and turned my moods to other stories, other lives.

But it wasn’t enough. All too soon, my thoughts wound back to the Hollows. I missed Rachel, who had admittedly grown up. I missed Al, who had learned he was still deserving of love, Jenks who had learned to survive without love, and Ivy, who had finally found love. Alas, sometimes the readers can see things more clearly than the writer who brings them her world, and . . . mmmm. You’re right. The story isn’t over yet.

American Demon was hammered into existence using the steel-of-story that had been forged nearly twenty years ago. It began angry and ended worse as my mood at the time wasn’t much better. But if Rachel had taught me anything, it was to believe in the narrow percent, that determination and grit and sacrifice can make the difference between success and not-quite-yet.

And so American Demon itself evolved and the ending shifted. Rachel’s happy ending is still in place even as I strive to bring a new beginning to her story, picking American Demon up right at the end of The Witch With No Name and before the epilog of the same. I have brought in two new forces to complicate Rachel’s life even as she finds herself holding more sway in Cincinnati than she might want: an angsty, powerful demon named Hodin with a shocking connection to Al who tempts her with the dangers and power of elven magic, and Pike, an even more disturbing living vampire, who is playing a more dangerous game than Ivy ever was.

So yes, American Demon is about Rachel, not entirely the person she wants to be quite yet, still a work in progress. As we all are.

Kim Harrison


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