Cover Reveal: See Me by Wendy Higgins

Crushed on by Kelly BookCrushin, on July 12, 2013, in Cover Reveal / 0 Comments

Cover Reveal: See Me by Wendy Higgins

Book Crushin is ecstatic to be a part of the cover and blurb reveal for See Me! We are unabashedly HUGE fans of all things Wendy Higgins and would probably steal babies if she asked us to!

OK enough of the squeee-fest onto the cover!



See Me by Wendy Higgins

Category: Young Adult, Magical Realism, Fantasy
Publication: October 1, 2013; Independent
Synopsis: Goodreads
Purchase:  Available in ebook from Amazon, B&N, and Kobo and paperback will be for sale through Amazon and Createspace.  It will not be available for preorder.

While most seventeen-year-old American girls would refuse to let their parents marry them off to a stranger, Robyn Mason dreams of the mysterious McKale in Ireland, wondering how he’ll look and imagining his cute Irish accent. Prearranged bindings are common for magical families like her own, however when she travels to the whimsical Emerald Isle she discovers there’s more to her betrothal and McKale’s clan than she could have imagined.


What starts as an obligatory pairing between Robyn and McKale morphs over time into something they both need. But one giant obstacle stands the way of their budding romance: a seductive and deadly Fae princess accustomed to getting what she wants—and what she wants is McKale as her plaything. Love, desire, and jealousies collide as Robyn’s family and McKale’s clan must work together to outsmart the powerful Faeries and preserve the only hope left for their people.


Author Bio: Wendy Higgins


Wendy Higgins is the author of Sweet Evil and Sweet Peril from HarperTeen. She lives in the Washington D.C. area with her husband, daughter, son, and puppy Rue.

Author Links:

Website  |  Twitter  |  Facebook  |  Goodreads  |  Pinterest


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