Feature: Crush On This #8
Crush On This is a new feature that highlights my love for books that don’t get as much recognition as I feel they deserve. I will try my best to hit every genre in order to be as diverse as possible. I’d also love your suggestions, so if you love a book and want similar titles, let me know in the comments!
Crush On This:
Let’s hope I don’t catch too much heat for this one…And I really hope this isn’t sacrilegious. I know Rainbow is beloved! I just think if you enjoy Fangirl, you could easily transition into Adorkable.
Now, I’m not saying they’re necessarily on par with each other. Or rather, that O’Gorman is on par with Rowell. I’m simply saying the stories both feature the friends to lovers trope, nerd stuff, etc. And that’s all I’m saying here!
Adorkable by Cookie O’Gorman
Category: Young Adult, Contemporary
Publication: March 31st, 2016
Purchase: Amazon
Adorkable (ah-dor-kuh-bul): Descriptive term meaning to be equal parts dorky and adorable. For reference, see Sally Spitz.
Seventeen-year-old Sally Spitz is done with dating. Or at least, she’s done with the horrible blind dates/hookups/sneak attacks her matchmaking bestie, Hooker, sets her up on. There’s only so much one geek girl and Gryffindor supporter can take.
Her solution: she needs a fake boyfriend. And fast.
Enter Becks, soccer phenom, all-around-hottie, and Sally’s best friend practically since birth. When Sally asks Becks to be her F.B.F. (fake boyfriend), Becks is only too happy to be used. He’d do anything for Sal–even if that means giving her PDA lessons in his bedroom, saying she’s “more than pretty,” and expertly kissing her at parties.
The problem: Sally’s been in love with Becks all her life–and he’s completely clueless.
This book features two best friends, one special edition Yoda snuggie, countless beneath-the-ear kisses and begs the question:
Who wants a real boyfriend when faking it is so much more fun?
Ah the cuteness!