Cover Crush: Crystal Blade (Burning Glass #2) by Kathryn Purdie

Crushed on by Kelly BookCrushin, on October 24, 2016, in Cover Crush / 0 Comments

Cover Crush: Crystal Blade (Burning Glass #2)
by Kathryn Purdie

Crystal Blade is the second book in the Burning Glass series and I have to say that this cover really stepped up the game! Whoa. I love it! I am willing admit that the cover for Burning Glass (Burning Glass #1) did absolutely nothing for me, but Crystal Blade SLAYS! Absolutely, hands down gorgeous! That rich emerald green color and that crystal blade, literally, just has me tuned into this title, series and the blurb. Of course the blurb is a little spoiler-ish for book 1 if you are not aware or familiar with the story – so continue reading at your own risk. Crystal Blade is releasing on August 15th, 2017, but grab Burning Glass now to get prepared!



Crystal Blade (Burning Glass #2) by Kathryn Purdie

Category: Young Adult, Fantasy
Publication: August 15th, 2017; Katherine Tegen Books
Purchase: Amazon

The peace is unsustainable.

Sonya and Anton may have brought about a revolution, but can they protect their homeland—and their love—with so many forces threatening to tear them apart?

The empire has fallen, Valko faces trial, and Sonya is finally free from her fate as Sovereign Auraseer. But Sonya’s expanding abilities are just as unstable as the new government of Riaznin—and her relationship with Anton. Not only can she feel the emotions of others but, unlike other Auraseers, she’s learned to make others feel her emotions as well. And Sonya isn’t immune to dark temptations.

Now, as Sonya fights to contain her own darkness, she senses a new evil lurking in the shadows of the palace. Someone from Sonya’s past has returned. And that someone won’t be satisfied until Sonya pays for the mistakes she’s made.


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