Book Rewind · Review: Every Day by David Levithan

Crushed on by Kelly BookCrushin, on February 8, 2018, in Book Rewind, Reviews / 1 Comment

Book Rewind · Review: Every Day by David Levithan

Every Day by David Levithan was released back 2012 and soon to be a Major Motion Picture releasing on February 23rd!! I figured now was a good time to re-read the book *I listened to the audiobook from my library* and finally review this well deserving title. I hope the movie excitement and the recent reveal of the sequel, Someday on EW, will get everyone reading David’s books!

Book Rewind is a meme where we review a backlist title to distinguish reviewed books that are not a new release. We noticed we tend to review almost all new or newly released books and wanted to have a feature to spotlight some older books that we either just read or are just reviewing because we never got around to it, or possibly didn’t blog back then! This meme will be posted on Thursdays as a ‘Throwback Thursday’ kind of deal.

We totally encourage others to participate in the Book Rewind Review meme! Backlist books need love too! Feel free to use our banner and be sure to link back to our page and tag us on social media so we can help promote your posts too!


Every Day (Every Day #1) by David Levithan

Category: New Adult, Sci-fi, Contemporary
Publication: August 28th, 2012; Knopf Books for Young Readers
Purchase: Amazon, TBD

Every day a different body. Every day a different life. Every day in love with the same girl.

There’s never any warning about where it will be or who it will be. A has made peace with that, even established guidelines by which to live: Never get too attached. Avoid being noticed. Do not interfere.

It’s all fine until the morning that A wakes up in the body of Justin and meets Justin’s girlfriend, Rhiannon. From that moment, the rules by which A has been living no longer apply. Because finally A has found someone he wants to be with—day in, day out, day after day.



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“I wake up thinking of yesterday. The joy is in remembering; the pain is in knowing it was yesterday.”

Every Day was a quick and very interesting read. It has such a unique way of exploring the social constructs that teens live in. I really loved being able to get the sense of what one person experiences through the exploration of the many. It is truly a book about what makes us human, our differences and our similarities.

‘A’ is no one. They wake up every single day as someone else. They can access their thoughts and memories and then A must tackle that day as that person. A is so selfless that when they finally start to have those what is life worth living feelings, they start to alter people’s lives so they can gain friendship and possibly love with someone. Rhiannon is the one for A. A wakes up as Rhiannon’s boyfriend and he can tell right away that Rhiannon is not being cared for and A can see her pain, fear, and expectations. Left in a quandary about interfering, because A wants her to feel loved and to have a good day. A makes that happen, but then they can’t stop thinking about her.

It is really hard to even articulate my feelings while reading this book. I felt so deeply for A and for Rhiannon. It truly is a look into humanity, and our existence, and what makes us who we are, male or female, queer or hetero, loved or unloved. It delves into mental illness, depression, and what it means to be lonely. There is so much to uncover, and David Levithan, masterfully, walks us through what it is like every time A wakes up as a new person.

The writing is beautiful, the messages we can take away from this book are full of depth, and in the end you finish with tears in your eyes, because you as the reader has connected to all of A’s struggles. There is humor, sadness, and ultimately reflects on what we might take for granted in our lives.  Every Day is so much than a love story, it is a story about who we are and what we want to be.


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