Feature: ARC August – All August, All the ARCs

Crushed on by Kelly BookCrushin, on July 18, 2015, in Feature / 3 Comments

Feature: ARC August – All August, All the ARCs


ARC August was created by Read.Sleep.Repeat in order to help motivate bloggers to clear up their unread Advance Reader Copies (ARCs) archives! I found this from some of my favorite blogging friends and figured it was a no brainer for BookCrushin to sign up since we *are* actively working on clearing up our backlog of Netgalley, Edelweiss and physical ARCs. We will have a few blog posts that are tagged ARC August to update our progress throughout the month of August, and we will tag our reviews with #ARCAugust! All 3 of us will be participating on some level!

If you want to join in Read.Sleep.Repeat is also giving away some prizes for participants! You have till the 31st of July to join!

Our first post will be on August 1st to declare each of our lists! I am really excited for this challenge and I hope us ladies of BookCrushin can make the most of it and get our reviewing ratios up, up and away!


Read.Sleep.Repeat Rules:

The rules are very simple

  • It may be a physical ARC or and eARC but it MUST be an ARC
  • Yes it can be an ARC that has released as long as it’s an ARC I’m not going to nit pick much
  • HAVE FUN WITH THIS! Feeling like you are being “forced” to read is the best way turn a fun event into a yucky obligation.
  • Update post! I personally will do a post for each Saturday in August but that’s just me. You can update once a week, every other week or once for the whole darn event. This update can be in the form of a blog or tumblr post, vlog, link to your “ARC August 2015″ shelf or even an instagram pic! I want to make this as easy and low pressure as possible for you.


Let us know if you are joining in too!

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3 responses to “Feature: ARC August – All August, All the ARCs

  1. Livia

    I have an eARC and a couple of paperback ARCs that eyeball me daily, lol! I’ll try to join in, thanks! =)

    • Oh WOW Krystianna!! Good luck! I don’t typically read more than 1-2 books a week so I could never accomplish that feat! I can’t wait to check in on your progress! Thanks for stopping by!