Guest Post & Giveaway: I’m Dreaming of a Wyatt Christmas by Tiffany Schmidt

Crushed on by Kelly BookCrushin, on October 28, 2021, in Author Interview, Feature, Giveaways, Guest Post, New Releases / 4 Comments

Guest Post: Christmas This or That with Tiffany Schmidt

Team BookCrushin are huge fans of Tiffany Schmidt’s novels and of her so we are thrilled to bring you this fun Christmas themed This or That guest post! Check out what Tiffany Schmidt picks and then let us know your picks in the comments for a chance to win a signed copy of I’m Dreaming of a Wyatt Christmas!

I’m Dreaming of a Wyatt Christmas is now available and you can still contact Doylestown Books for a signed and/or personalized copy, or grab a gorgeous exclusive bookplate edition from One More Page Books.

Guest Post & Giveaway: I’m Dreaming of a Wyatt Christmas by Tiffany Schmidt

I'm Dreaming of a Wyatt Christmas

by Tiffany Schmidt
Published by: Amulet Books
on October 26, 2021
Genres: Contemporary Romance, Young Adult

Ballet and babysitting bring two teens together in this very merry holiday rom-com from the author of the acclaimed Bookish Boyfriends series

Noelle Partridge is known for three things: being the best ballet dancer, babysitter, and person with the most Christmas spirit in her small town. But lately she's bored by the lessons at her dance school, and her friends and father are more bah humbug than deck the halls. So when her favorite babysitting clients ask her to accompany them on a ski trip over winter break, she packs her bags for the slopes. It helps that they're offering double her rate--she'll need the money for Beacon, an elite ballet academy that has granted her an audition.

Noelle is ready to have fa la la la fun, until Wyatt, the older half-brother of her babysitting charges, decides to surprise his family for the holiday. He's one of the best dancers at Beacon, and makes Noelle's head spin faster than pirouettes. Unfortunately, she also manages to step on his toes--spoiling his surprise and complicating his secret plans. After a few missteps, Noelle and Wyatt begin to thaw toward each other and bond over the big decisions looming in each of their lives. With enough Christmas magic, Noelle might just start the New Year with lots of babysitting cash in her pocket and a chance with the pas de deux partner of her dreams.

Christmas This or That with Tiffany Schmidt

Pie: Apple or Pumpkin  — Apple 

Tree: Real or Artificial  — Artificial, but only because I want to live in a friggin’ Christmas Tree farm, like the one Taylor sings about, and going artificial means I can have more than one and leave them up longer. (We’re currently up to 4 trees: the big, main one, the twins have one, our kinder-Rascal has one, and there’s a tiny one just for Disney ornaments). Last year I set up before Thanksgiving and left them up until Easter.  I will say, that we burn a lot of Balsam candles, because there’s nothing like that real tree smell.

Tree: Random decor or Themed — Random on 3 of the 4, one is Disney themed

Topper: Star or Angel — StarsLights: White or Multi-Color — white on 3 of the 4 — the twins chose colored

Dinner: Ham or Turkey  — Ham. Though last year since we were flying solo, I let the kids pick: we had lobster, pizza, and homemade mac & cheese

Vegetable: Green beans or Yams — Green beans

Song: Silent Night or Jingle Bells — Silent Night  (When I was little, I was convinced it was “Sleep in Heavenly Peas”)   — though the kids’ pick is Jingle Bells (which they thought was a “One horse chicken sleigh”) – mishearing lyrics runs in our family.

Modern: Michael Buble or Mariah Carey Christmas  — Mariah Carey

Movie comedy: Elf or National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation  — Elf! 1000% Elf — it’s one of my all time favorite movies. 

Movie teens:  Home Alone or A Christmas Story  — Home Alone

Movie romance: Love Actually or Dash & Lily   — Love Actually

Movie action: Gremlins or Die Hard  — Emmet Otter’s Jugband Christmas 😉 

Movie classic: It’s a Wonderful Life or Miracle on 34th Street — Wyatt Christmas – oops, I mean White Christmas (my phone now autocorrect this to the name!).

Drink: Cider or Egg Nog  — Cider

Dessert: Gingerbread or Yule Log — Gingerbread — and Gingerbread houses, competitive Gingerbread houses.

Greenery: Mistletoe or Poinsetta — Mistletoe 

Activity: Ice Skating or Sledding — making hot cocoa while others go sledding and waving out the window, then going to sit and read by a fire. One trait that Noelle and I share is an absolute loathing of the cold!

Clothes: Matching Pajamas or Ugly Sweaters — PJs all the way. There should be laws agains changing out of pajamas on Christmas day (and one of my favorite scenes in Wyatt Christmas is all about the Christmas pjs).

The Schmidt’s 2020 Matching PJs


For a chance to win a signed copy of I’m Dreaming of a Wyatt Christmas by Tiffany Schmidt leave a comment with your This or That choices (shorter selection below) AND for even more chances enter on the rafflecopter below. Only US/PR due to shipping costs – sorry! Giveaway closes in 1 week and winners have 72hrs to answer my email.

Mini This or That for Giveaway

(just copy/paste into the comments with your choice)

Pie: Apple or Pumpkin
Tree: Real or Artificial 
Drink: Cider or Egg Nog
Movie comedy: Elf or National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About Tiffany Schmidt

Tiffany Schmidt is a former sixth grade teacher living and creating mischief in Doylestown, PA. She’s married to a saint, the mother of three impish boys, and the owner of a pair of mischievous pups. She is the author of nine acclaimed young adult novels. Tiffany believes in happy endings, reading under the covers, make believe, eating dessert before dinner, and writing the kissing scenes first.

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4 responses to “Guest Post & Giveaway: I’m Dreaming of a Wyatt Christmas by Tiffany Schmidt

  1. Christine Marquez

    Pie: Apple
    Tree: Real
    Drink: Cider
    Movie comedy: National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation

  2. Christine Marquez

    Pie: Apple
    Tree: Real
    Drink: Cider
    Movie comedy: National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation