Movie Musings, Event Recap, & Giveaway: Let It Snow
Let It Snow connects three holiday stories in a distinct way, transitioning from one story to another set in the same town. In the movie, this transition is that much more smooth as they are woven together. This is one of the rare times I would agree that the movie exceeded what the book was able to do (simply because of the storytelling style). Check out my thoughts below along with a watch party recap and a GIVEAWAY!
Let It Snow
by John Green, Maureen Johnson, Lauren MyraclePublished by: Speak
on October 2, 2008
Genres: Young Adult, Contemporary
Bookshop, IndieBound, Audiobook through LibroFM
Now a Netflix Original Film!
Sparkling white snowdrifts, beautiful presents wrapped in ribbons, and multicolored lights glittering in the night through the falling snow. A Christmas Eve snowstorm transforms one small town into a romantic haven, the kind you see only in movies. Well, kinda. After all, a cold and wet hike from a stranded train through the middle of nowhere would not normally end with a delicious kiss from a charming stranger. And no one would think that a trip to the Waffle House through four feet of snow would lead to love with an old friend. Or that the way back to true love begins with a painfully early morning shift at Starbucks.
Thanks to three of today’s best-selling teen authors—John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle—the magic of the holidays shines on these hilarious and charming interconnected tales of love, romance, and breathtaking kisses.
Let It Snow: Movie Musings
To kick off our watch party, everyone got BINGO cards with book moments I (and Kelly!) thought were significant to make it into the movie. We were pretty spot on (Jana got a triple BINGO!).

As is customary for holiday stories, each of the stories revolved around a romance. A celebrity singer (with a song you can listen to all season long!) and the small town girl with big dreams, the popular girl and the girl who doesn’t think she’s good enough, and the childhood best friends. It’s trope-city around here and I am here.for.it.
I loved the cast of YA actors we are familiar with from other works, including Sabrina, Into the Spiderverse, and more. Lots of familiar faces – and some new to me! There’s also a lot of HOLIDAY cheer that is the right amount of cheese.
Let It Snow was all kinds of adorable. There was a lot of AWWWW going on in our audience. A bunch of laughs, too. Maybe a few tears. What I am saying is this movie has a lot of heart and it’s a must watch this holiday season…and for years to come.
Event Recap
We had SNOW MUCH FUN (haaaa). Lots of snow themed treats (melted snowman dip! Snowman string cheese!) and more. We had a blast snacking, playing Let It Snow BINGO for presents, and watching Let It Snow (of course!). Special shoutout to Hannah at Bascom Library for letting us hang!
1 copy of John Green’s book to movie adaptations (book covers are different than represented here)

My favorite Christmas movie is How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
“What is your favorite Christmas movie?” “A Christmas Story”!
A Christmas Story is my favorite.