New Release Blitz, Review & Giveaway: Chasing Hayleigh by Elle Christensen

Crushed on by Kelly BookCrushin, on October 14, 2015, in Giveaways, New Releases, Reviews / 0 Comments

New Release Blitz, Review & Giveaway:
Chasing Hayleigh by Elle Christensen

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BookCrushin is thrilled to be able to help spread the word on the newest release in The Fae Guard Series, Chasing Hayleigh by Elle Christensen! I am so proud to have been able to get an early review copy so you will find my spoiler-free review below as well as all the book and series information and a blitz-wide giveaway! If you like a mature paranormal romance, you have to read this series! Plus for a very limited time you can buy the ebook of Chasing Hayleigh for only $0.99!


Chasing Hayleigh Ebook CoverChasing Hayleigh by Elle Christensen

Series: The Fae Guard Series #3
Category: New Adult, Mature, Paranormal Romance
Publication: October 14th, 2015
Purchase: Amazon US, Amazon UK

I know nothing of love.
Then again, I don’t know much about people
I’ve been burned enough to have lost my faith in them
Brannon seems to be an exception
For years, he has proved that I could trust him
But my past would surely drive him away
The question is, can he trust me?

Hayleigh is not my fate
But, she is my destiny
I need to convince her to trust me, to believe in us
For years I’ve stood back, and given her time
Now I need her to light the dark that is slowly consuming me
I want to tell her all of my secrets
The question is, will she survive them?



Teaser 1

Spoiler-free Review:

[book rating=4.5/5]
She is the beacon in the raging storm of my soul, and without her,
I don’t think I’d ever be able to glue the jagged rips shut.

Wow. Chasing Hayleigh is officially my favorite of The Fae Guard series, so far! This is the third book in the series and it was a perfect continuation of the overarching plot and a real sizzler too. I absolutely tore through this book and devoured every single word. I absolutely loved Brannon and Hayleigh. Something about their story was just so perfect. Light and dark in complete balance. If you like mature paranormal romance, trust me this series is well worth the read!

Hayleigh has been on Brannon’s mind for four years, and he has been trying to break down her walls each and every day. He knows she is the one for him, but he just needs to convince her of that. Hayleigh had a tough life and eschews most physical and emotional connections. She puts every ounce of her life into her job protecting the young fae from the dark. These two need each other for support more and more as the dangers continue to increase not only to their world but also the charges they are sworn to protect.

This book not only advances the plot significantly in this series, but it also brings the sexy! Brannon is a strong alpha male and he needs Hayleigh in more ways than even he knew. She is strong willed and fierce, but she hasn’t had much luck in life letting people get to know her. She has found quite a bond with the other girls, but they are also busy being moms & wives, and Hayleigh realizes she might just have to trust her desires to be with Brannon, but she is still scared he might not be able to move past her unfortunate history. However, their chemistry was clearly smoldering after four years of chasing each other and it is really intense when they are together.

This book also advances a lot of the other characters plots, especially Fate’s. I have to say I am completely shocked at the turn of events in this book and I have no idea what is going to happen next…which is great and also nerve-wracking! I will also admit that almost threw my Kindle at the evil, evil epilogue, which means I can only expect the next book, Saving Kendrix, to be a real freaking doozy. But each book gets better and better and I absolutely cannot wait for the 4th book!

CH promoSeries:

protectingShayleeProtecting Shaylee (The Fae Guard Series #1)

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As a child, I believed in the fairytales my father told me.
Until he was gone and with him, that belief.
As a girl, I believed in the friendship and protection of Aden.
He made me begin to believe again.
As a woman, I believed in the possibility of love and passion between myself and Aden.
Until he was gone and with him, my belief in magic and happy endings.

When she was a child, I was tasked with her protection.
As a girl, I became her friend.
As a woman, I could no longer see the child I knew and was forced to fight a growing attraction.
Unable to lie and unable to tell the truth, I left.
Now I’ve returned to give the knowledge I couldn’t before, that she is half Fae.
The darkness is stalking her and I am desperate to teach her what she needs to know to protect herself.
And determined to make her mine.

**Recommended for 18+ due to sexual content and language



Loving Ean Cover leaningLoving Ean (The Fae Guard Series #2)

Kelly’s Review

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All of my life, I dreamt of my own fairy tale romance.
Imagine my surprise when I discovered that my soul mate was a lifelong friend.
Ean is everything I want and everything I need.
But, my romance has become a fractured fairy tale.
Ean has pulled away and let his pain engulf him, leaving no room for me.
I want to heal him and bring him back to me.
But, if he won’t let me, I will move on.
I will find another destiny.

Laila is the best part of me, the light in my soul.
She is my destiny.
I want to give her all that I am, all that I have.
But, the guilt and pain from my mistake has ruined me
I am not worthy of her and I will not drag her down into my Hell.
My love for her is forever.
But, she deserves some one who isn’t broken
So, I’ll watch her walk away, into the arms of another.



Author Bio: Elle ChristensenElle Christensen

I’m a lover of all things books, a hopeless romantic, and have always had a passion for writing. Between being a sappy romantic, my love of an HEA, my crazy imagination, and ok, let’s be real, my dirty mind, I fell easily into writing romance.

I’m a huge baseball fan and yet, a complete girly, girl. I’m an obsessive reader and have a slight (hahaha! Slight? Yeah, right) addiction to signed books.

I’m married to my very own book boyfriend, an alpha male with a sexy, sweet side. He is the best inspiration, my biggest supporter and the love of my life. He is also incredibly patient and understanding about the fact that he has to fight the voices in my head for my attention.

I hope you enjoy reading my books as much as I enjoyed writing them!

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