Meet our Boy Crush of the Month, Kaidan of Sweet Evil

Crushed on by Shannon, on August 21, 2012, in Character Crush / 5 Comments

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Meet Kaidan Rowe of Wendy Higgins Sweet Evil. Oh Kaidan, sweet sinful Kaidan. Where do we begin? Is it the fact that you’re a drummer or is it that delectable British accent? Or maybe it’s that you ooze sex appeal courtesy of the fact that your are quite literally the embodiment of sin?  Poor Anna never stood a chance against you. As a nephilim, Kaidan is expected to peddle his sin to the masses. That’s right in this book angels are bad, which makes Kaidan as the son of the Duke of Lust a very bad boy. The seven deadly sins figure prominently in this book, but imagine falling in love with a boy whose job it is to rob you of your virtue, intrigued? Kaidan drips sexuality like no other male protagonist in recent YA history, case in point: “What do you want from me, Kai?” “For starters?” His voice lowered to sexy, dangerous depths. “I want to introduce myself to every freckle on your body”…

But he’s not all, messy haired, flat abbed sex on a stick, he’s got guts and a soft spot for Anna, the sweet part of this title. Which makes him our most deserving pelvic thrust of the month.

For more on Sweet Evil visit here:


5 responses to “Meet our Boy Crush of the Month, Kaidan of Sweet Evil

  1. I haven’t finished the book, thanks for reminding me. But so far, he’s so dreamy and worthy of the pelvic thrust of the month!

  2. Stephanie

    I loved this book, but the ending was so depressing! I am excited she is writing two more books and am dying for the sequel!

    • I have to agree, the ending was a bit depressing but I honestly imagined a lot worse happening. Can’t wait to see how they’ll (the Scooby gang as I started calling them) all get back together after everything that happened!