New Release Tuesday: YA New Releases April 28th 2020
New Release Tuesday: YA New Releases April 28th 2020 Celebrate the YA New Releases for April 28th! Hope you have found some joy in some new releases!
New Release Tuesday: YA New Releases April 28th 2020 Celebrate the YA New Releases for April 28th! Hope you have found some joy in some new releases!
#SignedBookSundays Presents Buying Signed Books in Quarantine Times: Support Indie Bookstores & Authors UPDATE 2021: 2021 books are now located on this PAGE – please update any links or bookmarks! You may know that both Christy and I have always been on the hunt for buying signed books, we even […]
Cover Reveal & Giveaway: In the Penalty Box by Lynn Rush & Kelly Anne Blount We’ve said it a few times recently – we are here for alllll the sports books. In the Penalty Box is THE hockey romance for fans of The Cutting Edge and Friday Night Lights. I […]
New Release, Guest Post & Giveaway: The Best Week that Never Happened by Dallas Woodburn The Best Week that Never Happened by Dallas Woodburn just released yesterday and we are thrilled to help her celebrate her debut YA release with a guest post and an exclusive giveaway for our readers! […]
New Release Tuesday: YA New Releases April 21, 2020 I hope everyone is hanging in there. Books make it better…at least for us booknerds it does. So check out and support these new releases i have complied a list of YA & a few MGs that we are excited about!
Book Rewind Co-Review: The Geography of Lost Things by Jessica Brody Jessica Brody is a favorite around here. She writes across genres and age groups and is a master at playing with your emotions. We have yet to meet a Jessica Brody book that we haven’t fallen madly in love […]
New Release Tuesday: YA New Releases April 14th 2020 If you are still recovering from the last massive release week, fear not today is much more manageable! There are a lot of middle grade and young reader books releasing today, I only added the one or two I thought our […]
Cover Crush: Camp by Lev A.C. Rosen Jack of Hearts (and Other Parts) is a favorite read around here so to say we are excited for CAMP is an understatement. The sequins! The on-point branding. The rainbow cabin. THEY ARE HOLDING BANDS. Behold – we can’t wait!
Blog Tour, Guest Post & Giveaway: Crave by Tracy Wolff CRAVE by Tracy Wolff just released this week and we are thrilled to help spread the word about this fun paranormal YA! Today as part of the blog tour we are sharing a fun guest post where we asked Tracy […]
New Release Tuesday: YA New Releases April 7th 2020 Today is a really big release day, try to buy from some indie bookstores, or Barnes & Noble, or add to your library requests! Crossover Title Releases! .